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Felix walked into the classroom the next day, thanking god it was finally friday. He never felt so grateful for the end of the week.
Changbin was in the back with Chan, playing something on his phone while Jisung quietly talked to Minho. Felix liked Minho, he was a football player and did pretty well among the girls and boys in the school. He talked to Felix sometimes because Seugmin was with him on the team, he was nice. Jisung scotted closer to him and Felix saw Minho's cheeks get slightly red, he laughed under his breath, even though he couldn't understand how Changbin's homophobic ass hadn't forbidden the younger to talk to an openly bissexual like that. Changbin looked lost in his own world, though. His neck was covered in a black turtle neck, even though a few of the hickeys could still be seen, despite the days that had passed. Chan smiled at his cousin, glad he disn't skip any more days, and then went back to thinking about the whole Jisung situation.

If he could, then Chan could too, right?

Chan had always been insecure about his sexuality since he got into 3racha. Changbin had always made fun of it so Chan just pushed it back, hanging out with the girls that seemed worth his time and ignoring the crushes he got on cute boys. But Jisung, Jisung was gay, and he had no problem in sharing it with anyone, except Changbin. He didn't give a shit about the boy's opinion though, he just didn't want to cause a scene before actually getting into a real relationship with some guy. Chan turned back to Felix, who sat in front of them, they looked back at Changbin. He was still mad about what his so called friend did to his cousin. But the shorter seemed troubelled. No. He seemed totally lost, his eyes were red and puffy, he got absolutly no sleep for certain, his mood was dangerous, between sad and angry, so he was pretty sure something had happened to the boy and he eventually took it out on Felix.

That wasn't an excuse though.

Chan promissed himself that, next time, if Felix didn't stood up for himself, he would.


"Why do you always eat here?", Seugmin sat by Felix's side in the grass.

"It's quiet, I'm using these last few seconds before losing it."

"Losing what?"

Felix took a deep breath.

"The ability to be invisible."

Seungmin gasped.

"No way? You're finally going to act like a normal human being?, the younger pretended to whipe an imaginary tear and Felix laughed at his friend.

They ate in silence, a confortable silence.


"What were you doing with that kid?"

Jisung sat down after walking with Minho into the caffeteria and letting him join his own friend, a small boy called Jeoning that was an year behind
them all.

"Because I wanted to?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes knowing exacly where this conversation was going.

"I'll get going, I don't want to interrupt the princesses fighting.", he took his lunch and walked away before hell broke loose.

"You shouldn't."

"Why Changbin, tell me why on earth should you decide who I hang out with or not."

"He'll infect you."

Jisung took a deep breath and asked, quietly.

"I swear to God Seo Changbin if you say what I think you'll say... Infect me with what."

Changbin looked up, knowing the feeling in his chest would only get worse.

"The gay virus."

Jisung sudenly stood up and drew all of the atention to him, the other two looking at him, completly frozen.

"Fuck you Changbin, fuck you and your fucking homophobic ass."

He then walked all the way over to Minho's and Jeoning's table and sat down, knowing his little scene would be the cause of multiple rumours for the next weeks but not really caring anymore.
He felt Minho's hand in his under the table and held it tight, not wanting to draw more atention to himself as he introduced himself to the cute little kid in front of him.

Changbin left immediatly, with Chan behind him. His mind running faster than his short legs could.

"Wait, where the hell are you going?"

"That fucking traitor. I bet he enjoys having his ass fucked by that Lee.", Changbin stopped in an empty hall, next to a row of lockers.

"Changbin calm down, will you?"

"Calm down? HOW CAN I FUCKING CALM DOWN? I've been friends with a fag all this time and I never even noticed it."

Chan closed his eyes at the word. It was not the first time he heard it from the younger, but this time something boiled inside of him. He was about to say something when two boys appeared next to them, coming from the paralel WC.

Chan and Felix locked their eyes for a second before Changbin pushed Felix against the lockers and Seugmin out of the way. Seungmin fell on the floor and hit his back groaning.

"You all disgust me.", Changbin spitted, trying to punch his face but Felix mannaged to escape that one, still trappes between the elder's arms.

"Dude, what the hell!", Chan started walking towards the duo but suddenly stopped. Changbin looked at Felix and Chan with his eyes widen and confused as hell. Felix had his hand up, signalling Chan to stay away, and the older one did so, even though he semmed mad about it.

"What Chan? You pitty these guys now? They came from the bathroom, what kind of dirty things do you think they were doing?", Changbin smirked at Felix's face, even though he couldn't really see it, he never could always covered by that damn hoodie.

"Chagbin relax dude, what has gotten into you?", Chan slowly helped Seungmin to his feet even though the boy seemed confused as to why.

"What on earth is happening?"

"Stay out of this Hwang!", Changbin used his fingers to lift Felix's chin up and made him look in his eyes. His face looked awfully familiar in a really wierd way.

"You fucking cunt, you should be ashamed of yourself.", Hyunjin took over Seungmin's hold, the younger immediatly blushing as he felt Hyunjin's hand wrap around his waist, so Chan could go to Felix, but he never got the chance.

"I'M TALKING TO YOU FUCKING ANSWER M-", Changbin couldn't finnish his sentence as he felt the air being sucked out of his lungs as Felix suddenly switched them and held the short one against the lockers. The other three boys froze in the background, Changbin's eyes widdened as Felix grabbed his wrists on top of his head and looked his dead in the eye.

Changbin felt his heart rate speed up.

What the hell was happening?

When Felix smilled, his whole world fell appart, Changbin couldn't explain it, but he felt like he was literally free falling from a skyscrapper.

Felix got close to his ear and whispered, making sure his voice still sounded as deep as it could go.

"You didn't seem discusted when you had my dick deep in your throat."

The three boys didn't hear anything but saw Changbin's expression drasticly change between panic and shook. He then faced Felix and the younger chucked, grabbed his chin and said louder, so all the boys could hear it.

"Now it would be a shame if the world found that out, wouldn't it?"

Chagbin didn't know how to react, he wanted to throw up, his chest kept feeling heavier at every second.

When Felix let go of his wrists, Changbin fell onto the ground, his eyes focused on an immaginary dot somewhere on the ground.

"Let's go, help me out with Minnie."

Hyunjin and Chan followed him, helping the younger out, not daring to question or even comment what had just happened.

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