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✅ Revised

"Felix PLEASE."

The blond listened to Changbin's cracking voice outisde of his bedroom door. He didn't even know exacly why he had ran away, he was just scared of what the others would think... specially Changbin. Yes the older was the one to admit it and they both knew it couldn't be anyone else, they all have other people except for Chan and In, but with the australian out of the equation Jeongin was obliously not the answer.

"I'm sorry I-i didn't k-know you'd be mad I...", the older shut up when the door opened in front of him. "I'm so sorry, I..."

"No. There's nothing to be sorry about I just panicked.", Felix and Changbin looked at each other for a while before the taller smiled and tried to walk aroung the other, downstairs again. His heart jumped when Changbin stopped him, grabbing his wrist. The younger felt himself rose but still faced the other, questioning him.

"Actually can... can we t-talk?"

Felix thought the way the older was stutering everytime they were together was incredibly cute. And felt himself fall deeper into a hole. Felix nodded and grabed his hand, dragging him to his room and closing the door, they sat in Felix's bed and shared an awkward silence before Changbin spoke.

"I don't even know what to say besides I'm sorry, for everything. I'm sorry for the bullying specially. I can't even put it into words."

Felix bit his lip before reaching out for the older's hand, squeezing it.

"I forgave you already, I always knew there was a reason behind it, whatever your story is, I'm sure you're a good person."

Changbin felt a lonely tear stream down his face.

"I'll tell you someday."

"Oh, bold of you to assume I'll ever talk to you again."Felix stopped laughing at his own sarcasm as Changbin let go of his grip, looking at his two hands now laying on his lap. "Changbin, I was joking."




"Binnie, please."

Changbin closed his eyes agressivly and begged his heart to stop pounding that hard.

Shit, that was adorable.

"You don't need to, I get it, nothing makes us be friends."

Felix got closer to the older and made him face him. Hand on his chin, both feeling their hearts race. Felix was astonished by how Changbin's eyes had smothen over the last couple of days, everything happened so fast and yet he had changed so much, his contact made the younger fell safe but at the same time he wanted to protect the shorter.

"I'll make us, don't even dare be shy around me now, we have gone through too much."

They both laughed awkwardly, not sure how to interpret what the boy had just said.

A knock on the door startled them both.

"Guys we're putting the movie on, I'm just checking in.", Chan's voice came from the other side, then his steps became lower and lower.

Felix sighed and got up, followed by Changbin, but before the younger could leave the room, Changbin pulled him by his forearm into a strong hug. Feliz was shocked for a while, but then hugged back, hoping the other couldn't hear his heart beating fast. Changbin hid his face in the other's neck and felt butterflies on his stomach.

Double shit.

Felix pulled away slightly only to meet Changbin's eyes and gulped.

"Sorry, I just-"

"No, please keep this habbit.", Felix smiled." I know this is wierd to say but I fell like I'm closer to you know than on that night."

Changbin's eyes widened. They literally had sex and yet they had never hugged before.

"What the fuck are you doing to me.", Changbin hide his face again in Felix's embrace, feeling his cheeks burn as the other laughed and caressed the latter's head. "No, honestly.", he faced the younger again. "I was doing okay in hiding this until you came up."

"I only messed with you years after we met."

Changbin rolled his eyes and caressed Felix's cheek, letting his gaze wander throught his freckles.

"Why do you think I messed with you like that?"

The younger seemed confused.

"I... don't know, never thought of it."

Changbin smilled, completly lost in Felix's constelations.

"The first day I saw you something pulled me to you. I couldn't see much of you but you smilled at something on you phone and I clearly remember my heart wanted to break out of my chest. Your smile was so beautiful I just... I hated you for making me feel things."

"Your gay is showing, Binnie.", Felix tried not to show how much that confession had affected him.

"Good, let him.", the older smirked and, with all his courage, he pecked Felix's cheek and dragged him downstairs, never leting go of his hand.

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