Chapter 18

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Midoriya's POV

Shit shit shit shit. How am I going to get myself out of this mess. I should've known it was entirely possible for Shinso to ask more than one question. I thought maybe I'd be able to avoid answering by telling half truths but I guess my brain just came right out and said I got my quirk from All Might. The three people sitting in front of me seem to be quite confused, I mean I was too when All Might offered me his quirk. Clearing my throat I finally say, "Well I guess there isn't really a way around this but to tell you guys the truth...*mumbling*All Might is so gonna kill me for this."

"Hey Izuku, whatever it is we won't tell anyone so really there's no reason for you to be shaking right now. You can trust us. Right guys?" Y/n says as he gives a slight glare at Shinso and Todoroki. They both pipe in with a yes. Despite the confirmation I still feel scared since it isn't really my place to share information about my quirk at least not until it's fully mine. I take a deep breath and then ask to talk about this in my room where we wouldn't be overheard. They all follow me and I hide my embarrassment as best I can when their eyes roam over all the All Might paraphernalia in my room.

"I'm going to be brief with you guys since I'm not supposed to let anyone know about the nature of how my quirk came to be." I say as sit on the side of my bed. "My quirk is called One for All and it has the ability to be passed on through the consumption of the DNA of the wielder. I was quirkless until the day of the entrance exam when All Might gave me his quirk and that's pretty much why I break my body every time I use it because my body isn't strong enough for this quirk and I've also never had a quirk before so I couldn't even guess how to use one properly. It is also why Bakugo hates me so much because we've been friends since we were little and he thinks that I've been lying about being quirkless my whole life. That being said All Might told me I couldn't tell anyone about my quirk because of the dangers that would come with people knowing that this power could be passed on to others. You guys are seriously the only people I've told... I haven't even told my own mom about it because I didn't want to risk it."

The silence that embraces the room after I finished talking was painful. I honestly didn't know how much I could trust all of them with this secret but I had no choice since I couldn't turn back the clock or erase their memories. "So you're actually just like All Might's successor?" Todoroki asks. I simply nod as Y/n comes over and gives me a pat on the back. "Who would've thought that All Might's biggest fan would get to have his quirk given to him? I'm proud to call you my brother Izuku even if All Might only gave you his quirk because you didn't have one... knowing you you probably cried about it... a lot." He lets out a small chuckle and then adds, "You should probably ask All Might to let the faculty or at least some of the faculty know about your quirk. They're asking you to train with a quirk you don't know how to use, since you got it really recently, as if you have had it your whole life. They might change the training drastically if they knew and it would cause you less bodily harm."

I contemplate what Y/n had said and I realize he is right. Because no one knew that I got this quirk a few weeks ago it was putting more stress on me to act as if I knew how to use it. It wasn't like the teachers, who are pro heroes, would tell anyone else about my quirk being from All Might, right? I nod and decide that I would ask All Might about it, not really sure if he would agree because he didn't really like Aizawa Sensei all that much and he is our home room teacher. Would I just tell them anyways? I might because this is technically my quirk now and if I get to train properly it would be better in the long run. I also trust Aizawa a lot especially since Y/n is his son so he's kind of like family in a weird way.

Y/n's POV

I'm glad that Izuku told me about his quirk. It's kind of amazing that the number one hero gave his quirk to a quirkless boy who wanted nothing more than to be able to be a hero. Wait does that mean that All Might was quirkless before he got this 'One for All'? That would explain why giving his quirk to Izuku would leave him with less and less power. I'm not as dumb as other people in my class I know that All Might has two forms, it is pretty obvious. He always is in the teacher's lounge out of 'muscle form' and he is always running off as soon as class is over. Not to mention the concerning amount of blood he coughs up sometimes. I swear my classmates are just blind.

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