Chapter 5

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Midoriya's POV

I wake up in what seems to be a nurses office. My entire body feels fatigued and beyond sore and yet none of my limbs seemed nearly as damaged as they were before I had fallen into unconsciousness. Looking down at myself I realize my legs are completely healed and I shift my weight to stand up on the right side of the bed. Only my arm was still bandaged and in a sling and but as soon as I start to walk I feel like I'm about to pass out again. I wonder if All Might knew this would happen to me? He would've told me right?

I move to sit back on the bed and wait for someone to come and help me and tell me what all happened. I faintly remember talking to the guy I bumped into before the exam. He said his name was Y/n but is that his last or first name? I guess I'll just have to ask him when I see him next...if I ever see him again.

The nurse walks into the room and seems happy that I am now awake. A few seconds later All Might walks in in his real form. I glance back and forth between the nurse and him in a panicked way until I realized that the school board probably knows about his condition, including Recovery Girl.

"So you found a successor All Might." I blink at her in disbelief before turning to All Might who just shrugged before saying "She is the only one that knows here and two other people that are close to me but that's it. You cannot tell anyone about the nature of your power because it will danger you and everyone around you." Including the world is what he didn't need to say.

I glance back and forth between the two as they argue with each other, feeling awkward. When they had finished Recovery Girl told me everything I broke and that I would feel drained for the next couple of days.

"Is the boy who stopped me from falling still here? He said his name was Y/n."

"Aizawa's kid? I believe he is still here." Aizawa? That sounds familiar. Is he a pro hero?

"I want to thank him for helping me during the exam would that be possible?"

"I suppose we could call him over to talk with you."

Y/n's POV

I sat off to the side as the school staff went over the exam results. I had already pled Hitoshi's case to them and watched as the number of points for him went up on the scoreboard. I know that I technically shouldn't have been able to see others tests results but no one had told me to leave yet. I hope Midoriya is alright it would be a shame if he got so injured he couldn't fight anymore, especially since he passed.

I glance around the room before my eyes land on my father who is looking at his phone with a puzzled expression. He looks up and makes eye contact with me and then walks over to me. "Apparently a kid named Midoriya wants to speak with you in the nurses office." I look at him wide eyed and quickly move to plead my case. "I swear I didn't search for my family we just bumped into each other on the way into the exam and I don't even thinks he knows who I am in fact I'm not even sure we're related." My dad stares blankly at me as I finished rambling. The way he looks tells me that he already knew I didn't go back on our deal. I quickly stand up and give him a curt nod before making my way to the nurses office.

I knock on the door not wanting to disturb any conversation he could be having with other people. The door opens and Recovery Girl stands in front of me. "I'll just be going, my work here is done." She says before leaving me and Midoriya alone in the room. I close the door and sit down next the bed. My fingers tap nervously on my knees as I look down at my legs. Why did he want to talk to me? Did he figure out my last name? Does he know we could be related?

Midoriya clears his throat which causes me to look up at him. I notice he is holding a pen with a notebook open on his lap. "I first want to say thank you for helping out during the exam even though I'm sure I didn't pass. Secondly I was wondering what your quirk is?"

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