Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV

I wake up from the door to my room slamming open. Apparently I had fallen asleep with the kitten. Oh shoot the kitten! I look up to see my dad at the door, kitten in his scarf. "Have something to tell me?" he asks as his dead eyes seem to stare into my soul.

"Uhh...I got it for you as a present cause I know you like cats?" I respond hesitantly. He seems to ponder my answer for a moment before sighing. "If you wanted a cat you could've just said so. He will be your responsibility since I'm always gone." With that said he places the cat down on the ground and leaves the room. I'm a little shocked he didn't ask anymore questions but I soon get up and start my training since I slept for about an hour.

Aizawa no longer would have much time to train me since he had school and heroing to do so I just train by myself in our backyard. I start with a full body workout before switching over to meditation and then quirk training. The workout was easy compared to the regiment that Dad has set out for quirk training. Who knew that just because he's a teacher means he gets to take home equipment used for training. Several robots made of steel and made so compactly that they couldn't be crushed even when applying several tons of force would be seen as really dangerous for most people to fight. Sadly my father wanted to make sure I couldn't just crush my training equipment with a single thought so they would actually be a challenge. The robots are set to taser mode and I activate five of them using the switch on the back before backing away and waiting for them to attack.

They quickly surround me before charging at me one at a time. I dodge and try to flip them over with my quirk but they're fast and all look the same so mixing up which one is which becomes a problem. As I dodge one, another comes from behind and I quickly jump since they are about as tall as my waist it shouldn't too difficult to jump over. I realize while in the air that they have been given a jumping mechanism as well and swear to myself as my leg gets tased. I land on the ground and stumble a bit before moving rubber from the training tires around my body to act as armour to the tasers. Alright all I have to do is land a hit on the underside of the bot and they'll deactivate. I start to see the pattern in their movements and make my first move against them. I quickly knock one bot into another causing them to short circuit for a brief movement as they tase each other. In that moment I flip them up into the air with my quirk and jump and punch the underside of both before they come tumbling to the ground. Two down three to go. I go to do the same thing again when I hear a happy voice come into the yard. "Hey Y/n! Aizawa Sensei invited me for dinner isn't that nice!" Izuku says while unlocking the gate. While I am distracted the rubber falls to the ground and the bots are quick to notice the mistake. They all move in and tase my side and both legs.

I bite my lip to hold in the muffled curses knowing Mom would not be so happy if her pure son came home with the new vocabulary. Quickly I use my quirk and throw them all into the air punching each one into deactivation. Before throwing them into a pile with the others. "Sorry sorry sorry I didn't know you were training back here. Are you okay?" I give Izuku a small smile. "I'm fine don't worry about it. I really need to work on better multitasking. You talking shouldn't have interfered with my training but my mind is weak and I lose focus for just a second and bam I'm being tased." I laugh a bit but wince soon after because my side hurts. Why did I decide to set them to the highest voltage today?

Izuku notices the wince and motions for me to sit with him at the picnic table that we have set up. "Here let me see" he says as his hands move towards the bottom of my shirt. "I'm fine really Izuku." I say a bit quicker than intended as I hold his hands back. I have a lot of scars under this shirt that I'd rather not explain right now. He continues to insist that he help, saying that if I don't want him to see it's probably a lot worse than I'm letting on. I move to grab the first aid kit that is leaning against the side of the picnic table and place it in front of Izuku before sighing. "Fine just do whatever." I say with my hands firmly on the bench. Izuku crouches in front of me and slowly lifts my shirt up. A purple bruise about the size of my hand is on my right side and is surrounded by white scars of various sizes. Izuku tells me to hold my shirt up before he grabs an instant cold pack from the first aid kit and places it over the already swelling bruise.

"Are you doing okay Y/n?" He says a few moments later. I knew he would be concerned but I didn't expect to see so much worry in his eyes. The scars weren't just from training or that time I was captured by villains, although the bigger ones were from that, they were on my hips in places that would look suspicious to anyone. "I'm fine Izuku all of that is in the past I haven't done it in years. You can see that since all they are are scars."

He nods before saying "If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here ok?" I smile at his sentiment and pull my shirt back down. "For sure little bro I'm here for you too." He smiles back before realization crosses his face. "Hey I'm not little you're little. We're twins meaning that no one is older! So if I'm little so are you." I can't say I disagree but... "Well I started to breathe 12 minutes before you did therefore I have more life experience." I crossed my arms and try to look as serious as possible before I burst out laughing to which he joins in. "We should go inside and get something to eat. I'm starving." I say after we have calmed down a bit.

Izuku's Lost Twin (Bnha x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now