Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV

My class remained calm for the most part, many just wondering the same question 'What's going on?' A minute later the door locked and a metal barrier locked over the door. The alarm stopped blaring so I made my way over to my father's desk and opened up the school network and security system. Seems like it was manually activated meaning whoever got in disabled the security sensors. I wish I could access the security cameras from here... If this person got in so easily what's keeping them out of a locked door? This person must have a reason to break into UA......what if I'm the target? What if they have Dad and forced him to disable the security sensors?

With these thoughts in mind I grab my father's spare sleeping bag and sit at the very back corner of the room going completely unnoticed in the chaos. I hide myself under the sleeping bag and try my best to remain calm. Everyone is in danger...and it's all my fault. I don't even know that this person is here for me get a hold of yourself. What other reason is there for Dad to be gone and school to go into a lockdown? I pull my knees to my chest. If he's here it would be better to give myself up than to see other people hurt because of me. My phone buzzes in my pocket. It's a message from...Dad 'Don't do anything stupid.' I so badly want to text back but what if he is being held hostage or something. I don't want him to get hurt. My phone rings shortly after the text, however, it's Papa this time. I quickly pick up and hold it next to my ear. It's now that I realize how quick my breathing is. "Hey, hey kiddo you've gotta calm down everything's gonna be okay. The heroes have this handled. No one's going to get hurt." My breathing doesn't slow down even with Yamada's soft spoken words. "Is Hitoshi in the same room as you? Or someone else who can help? I can stay on the phone until this is over but I don't think I'm much help from a distance...Look your Dad is strong and he knows what he's doing please put some faith in us to get things sorted out so we can all go home at the end of the day." "I know he's strong but he's-he's still only human." Tears form in my eyes and I vaguely hear in the commotion outside of the sleeping bag, "Where's Y/n wasn't he in here when the lockdown started?" A pair of footsteps get closer to my hideout underneath the blanket. I felt the vibration in my feet as they make their way over to me. I close my eyes and lean against the wall phone still propped against my ear. Yamada just seems to be talking a bunch of random nonsense trying to get my mind off of everything. The side of my hideout opens before it is completely thrown off and placed over my lap. Tears stream down my face as Hitoshi hugs me from the side. My hand with my phone drops away from my ear as I curl up and cry quietly into Hitoshi's shirt. The phone is then taken out of my hand before I hear Izuku speak calmly about the situation and hanging up afterwards. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault." I repeat at a little bit more than a whisper. "Nothing is your fault Y/n." Toshi says as he combs his fingers through my (h/c) hair. "But he's here for me. And you're all in danger because of it..." He lets out a sigh before saying, "We're all here to become heroes and therefore it only makes sense that villains will target us. Everyone came to this school knowing that so none of us are that scared because this school has a lot of pro heroes and a very high tech security system. If worse comes to worse and this villain finds us we are all more than ready to fight but I doubt that will happen cause I'm sure the teachers have some sort of plan laid out already." He's right. Most of the students in here would fight without hesitation. Why does it seem like I'm the only scared one here? Am I that much of a coward?

I straighten up as my breathing slows, no longer crying. There's a small smile on Toshi's face as he gets up off the floor before lending me a hand up. I wipe away the tears on my face wondering how red and puffy my face is at the moment. Should I tell everyone what's going on? I'm almost certain of what's happening. They deserve to know, right? I take a few deep breaths and walk to the front of the classroom before clearing my throat. "I know what's happening!" I say, loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room. All eyes are on me now and then questions are flooded at me. "Can everyone shut up! Please." I take another deep breath as the class quiets down. "I am almost certain that a villain named Blaze is in our school right now and that I'm the target. However I think this is a plan to capture said villain and it is the reason Aizawa Sensei is not at school today. I'm guessing that Aizawa Sensei aided in shutting off the security sensors since I checked and security was manually activated. In other words he wanted the villain to be here in order to take him down. That's all I know so no questions please." I say before taking a seat in my dad's chair once again.

"What?! Why the hell would a villain be after you you're just an extra!"

"Would we be able to use our quirks to fight back since we are on school grounds?"

"A level 4 breach for one guy. This guy must be dangerous. Ribbit."

"Is no one else worried that the villain is searching for Y/n specifically? That's means this room is the danger zone in this situation."

"I'd be irrational to let the villain have what it wants so we have to protect our classmate right?"

"Where are the teachers shouldn't one of them be in here if they knew Y/n was the target?"

"Does anyone really understand what's happening cause I sure don't..."

I watch the door, just waiting for it to come crashing down and have everything go to shit. What is his quirk...why can't I remember. Knowing his quirk would give us an advantage if he were to somehow find us. It must be related to his villain name right? that's not it. It's not a flashy quirk. Oh I remember now it's– My eyes widen as I stare at the door that is steaming and melting away. Everyone around me starts to point at the door either getting into a fighting stance or backing away from it. I press the button on Aizawa's desk that opens up the wall to our costumes I use my quirk to grab my case and open it quickly and pull out my chains. "Stay away from him! His quirk only works close range it's–" The door crashes down on the floor being kicked in. I jump back trying my best to stay level headed and I see Todoroki about to use his ice to stop him. "No ice! He heats up the air within a few feet of him if the air gets to cold and then hot it will cause an explosion. Get too close to him and you're going to suffocate so keep your distance." I'm sure we are all thinking the same thing 'How do we stop this guy if we can't get close?' His red eyes pierce my soul and I feel frozen in place. The grin on his face makes me want to vomit. My grip tightens on my chains as I make them float around me. "No one needs to get hurt. You come with me and this can end right now." Blaze says his voice rubbing everyone the wrong way. "No way! Y/n's not going anywhere!" Izuku yells. I debate going with him for a second but then I remember that Dad told me to not do anything stupid and I think giving myself up is the most stupid thing I could do right now. I have my classmates here and they all want to be heroes so there is no way we are letting this villain get what he wants. We just have to hold him off until the pros get here. Which they should since they must've had some sort of plan...I hope. I grab my phone and dial Yamada knowing he would pick up right away. "He's here." I say and then hang up. I could not let my guard down. Blaze still stood in the same spot as before but now his eyes were raking over my classmates. I shudder before taking my chance. I send my chains to wrap around him quickly and immediately the room becomes hotter. The air around him seems to come off of him in waves of heat and the floor looks burnt where he is standing. Luckily I had asked for my chains to be made of pure tungsten so I'm pretty sure he can't get the air hot enough to melt it.

I hold him tightly in place with my quirk and everyone seems to look at me almost a bit shocked. The room was getting suffocatingly hot so I move a chain to go around his neck so it's choking him. The strain is intense since he is constantly pushing against my quirk and he is really strong and muscular. Then strain goes away slowly until it's nonexistent and I release my quirk as Blaze's body collapses to the floor. I stumble to the left and into a wall and slide down it feeling a little lightheaded. Slowly the room gets cooler and as I look up I see that Blaze has been fully restrained by the chains and a few people are walking towards me. "Hey are you alright? We weren't really much help..." Izuku puts out his hand to help me up. I simply swat his hand away gently knowing if I stood up I'd just fall back over. My body trembles as bit before my head jolts up at footsteps running down the halls toward us. In come a few of the teachers, Midnight, Vlad King, Present Mic, and EraserHead. All of them were prepared to fight but they relax a bit when they see the unconscious villain chained up on the burnt floor. Aizawa's eyes gaze over the room before landing on me. My eyes tear up as he makes his way over to me. The few people by me make way for him and he quickly hugs me which shocks a lot of the students in the room. The other heroes simply make sure everyone else is alright before asking what happened exactly. Midnight and Vlad were not surprised at how quickly I had taken down the villain, my parents however were a bit surprised that I was able to take charge and not just give in to my emotions. To be honest I am still a bit shocked myself at how calm I was. Had I let my anger out on the villain I think he would've been dead right now. Had I let my fear take over I would've been useless and no one else would've be able to stop him before he hurt someone. I hold on tight to Aizawa before my body and mind finally except that we are safe and I slip into unconsciousness.

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