Chapter 7

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~Timeskip to first day of classes (one week later)~

Y/n's POV

Izuku and I have gotten closer in such a short time. We truly feel like brothers who have lived together their whole lives. Izuku is little envious that I live with a pro hero but I'm not sure why considering he seems to spend a lot of his time with All Might. His quirk also seems like All Might's even though it's not possible that he had a different father than I did.

I meet up with Izuku on our way to UA. We did coincidentally both end up in Aizawa's class and I was just a little nervous for everyone. My dad held the record for most expulsions, one time he even expelled a whole class. Seeming to notice my nervousness, whether that was because I was mumbling or not I'm not sure, Izuku gave me a pat on the back.
"You should lighten up a bit I'm sure your dad won't expel his own kid plus I doubt he would expel any of his friends either, hopefully." He says with a nervous chuckle.

I give him a small smile before nodding. "You're right we should just enjoy the fact we got into the best hero course Japan has to offer."

We walk towards class 1-A and enter the room. It was loud to say the least. I quickly take a seat and watch my new classmates, taking in all the new information. I glance to the door to see my dad in his yellow sleeping bag on the ground. I hide my face in my arms on my desk. Is he always this embarrassing? I guess no one knows that I'm his kid. With that thought I look back up as the class goes quiet and I realize Shinso also got into our class. Guess he knows but he would also feel embarrassed considering he is a blood relative to Aizawa.

Aizawa reprimands the class on how long it took for us to get silent and steps out of the sleeping bag and introduces himself. After that he tells us we are going to miss orientation and instead go outside for a quirk exam. Most of the class seems excited that we won't have a boring lecture but I just cross my fingers and hope that no one will get expelled after this.

Aizawa explains that we will be doing things like track and field kind of events except using our quirks. He then goes on to say the person who does the worst will get expelled. I sigh internally, knowing that both Izuku and Shinso might have difficulties with getting good scores. I placed in the middle in almost every event except the ball throw and the strength test. When it was Izuku's turn at the ball throw Aizawa stopped him from using his quirk and I was a bit relieved cause I knew his entire arm would've been destroyed and he wouldn't have been able to do any of the events after that. He allowed him to throw again but this time the ball went flying and he only broke one finger. Some kid, I think his name was Bakugo, started yelling at Izuku about how he was quirkless and how he had been lied to his entire life. He charged at him but didn't get close enough to do any damage because I held him in place with my quirk and glared at him. This must be the bully/childhood friend Izuku said also applied to get into UA. "I don't know who you think you are but no one hurts people here, we're here to be heroes not villains." That being said I pulled him back toward the group a bit harsher than necessary making him stumble backwards.

"And who are you?! Just some damn extra! Don't ever get in my way again." Bakugo yells angrily at me. "You want to fight?" I ask straightforwardly.

"Enough." Aizawa says glaring at us both. "Bakugo say another word that threatens your classmates and you're gone." Looking over to me he says, "As for you, no starting fights at school no matter how right you are." He doesn't add a punishment or threat because he knows I'll assume the worst if I act out of line again. "Sorry Sensei..." I mumble.

After the ball throw I could tell that my father had changed his mind on expelling anyone and I let Midoriya know and I could tell he almost cried in relief. This class actually seemed pretty competent compared to what I've heard from Aizawa about previous classes. Almost everyone had a strong quirk. The end results were put up and I placed sixth which isn't that bad. At the bottom was Shinso which is understandable because his quirk is not physical. I glance over to him and he doesn't look worried at all.

"So the whole expulsion thing was a hoax to get you to perform your best." Aizawa says and the class reacts as I thought they would. Yaoyorozu mentions how she knew all along and thought everyone else knew too so she didn't say anything. I roll my eyes because I knew my dad had meant it at the being. She seems like a smart ass.

Only two people in my class got in under recommendation and that was Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. I knew that Todoroki is Endeavour's son so it makes sense that he would have a powerful quirk but Yaoyorozu just came from a rich family and I hope that she's not stuck up like some rich people are. Todoroki's quirk is so epic I envy it just a little. Who wouldn't want to be half cold and half hot like being able to maintain body temperature equilibrium and use fire and ice is just so cool. Not to mention he's hot in more ways than one if you get what I'm saying. He's also reserved which I find appealing not being one to like noisy people. Maybe I'll try talking to him.

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