Chapter 8

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Y/n's POV

This is it. I'm going to just go up and talk to him. I take a few steps towards Todoroki's desk but ultimately turn back around and sit down. I can't do this. How am I supposed to walk up and pretend to be all buddy-buddy with him when I rarely talk to people I don't know, especially good looking people.

I groan into my hands, body hunching over my desk. I don't even know if he likes guys. In fact I don't know if half the people here are excepting of that kind of thing. Maybe I should just not do this to myself on the first day. With my mind made up I look over towards Todoroki's desk again to see Midoriya trying to become friends with him. I might have only known Midoriya for a week now but I know he is the type to become friends with anyone and everyone. I see Todoroki glance over to me as if contemplating something and he moves to ask Midoriya something before Dad walks in.

Perfect timing. Everyone quickly takes their seats before Aizawa decides we should all introduce ourselves and our quirks. Going by class numbers we all stand up one at a time to introduce ourselves and the name of our quirk. I stand up last and contemplate what I want to go by, my brain being conflicted with which one would be more confusing.
"I'm Y/n and my quirk is telekinesis." I could feel everyone's eyes one me especially Todoroki's. It was as if he was trying to figure something out. My dad looks at me saying I have to say my last name just like everyone else and so hesitantly I say, "Y/n Aizawa is my full name."

I slowly sit back down and can't help but hear the murmuring around me. Todoroki just looks confused and he keeps looking back between Midoriya and I. I think he sees the resemblance but now he isn't sure since we don't have the same last name. Maybe he'll come and talk to me about it, that sure would be easier than me trying to start a conversation with him.

Finally the lunch bell rings and as I'm about to head out the door, "Aizawa, stay here I need to talk with you for a moment." I turn back to him and give him a look of 'what do you want' before walking over to his desk. The room emptied out pretty fast and soon it was just the two of us. "Take a seat."

I don't move and stay standing in front of him and cross my arms. "What's this about Dad?"

"Are you sure you want to use Aizawa as your last name? That's going to cause a lot of pressure on you you know, you'll have higher expectations as the son of a pro."

"It is my legal last name so why should I change it back? Just cause I found my actual family? Look I know you're concerned about me but I'm willing to take the pressure head on. Plus we don't look alike so what are the chances people will actually think we're related." He gives me a quick head rub ruffling my hair before pulling me into a hug.

"Just be safe ok. I don't care if anyone knows but I won't say anything if you don't want me to." I pull away and smile at him.

"I don't care if they know either cause you're a great dad and I'm proud to be your son even if it's not by blood. Can I go to lunch now?" He nods and moves towards his sleeping bag in the corner as I rush out the door towards the cafeteria.

I check the time and see I still have half an hour for lunch. I grab my tray and look around the room wondering who to sit by. I then see Midoriya waving me over to his table where there is also Uraraka and Iida. I make my way over and take a seat next to Midoriya as I say my greetings.

Uraraka was the first to speak to me. "So your name's Aizawa like Aizawa Sensei?" I nod before saying, "I'd prefer if you just call me Y/n though."
"Ok Y/n. Why didn't you get in under recommendation if your dad's a pro?" I shrug not wanting to explain it a hundred times. Iida chimes into our conversation, "You don't seem to look like Aizawa Sensei though so are you not related?"

"Uhh well we're not related by blood but I'm still his son since I'm adopted, in a way, that's why I have his last name." I start to stare intently at my food hoping to make it so they don't ask more questions. I'd rather not relive my past and rather live in the present and make some new friends that I feel comfortable fully opening up to.

Midoriya is quick to see how uncomfortable I am getting and changes the topic to quirks. He pulls out his notebook without hesitation and writes everything the other two are saying about their quirks into it. I smile a bit at his mumbling that comes with the writing before the bell rings.

Our next class is with Present Mic who I see as another fatherly figure since he started to date Aizawa a few years back. Not really sure how they're compatible but I'm not going to complain. I cross my fingers and hope he doesn't call on me just because I am the only one he really knows. My prayers go unanswered as the first thing he does as I step through the door is yell my name obnoxiously loud. My cheeks tint pink at the attention and eyes on me.

"Pa-Present Mic was that really necessary?" Almost calling him papa my cheeks turn redder. "Imma just go die now." I mumble as I make my way to my desk. Dad's relationship with Present Mic hasn't been made public knowledge so hopefully I did not just majorly screw up. I know that Dad most definitely wants to keep his private life private thus why he is an underground hero. But Mic isn't and news can spread like wildfire especially amongst a group of teenagers. I bang my head on the desk in the middle of the lecture trying to make my thoughts come to a halt. Everyone seems to glance at me a bit concerned.

"Sorry...for the disruption." I say looking down at my hands as I go back to writing notes on the lecture. And by that I mean doodling in my notebook cause who actually write notes. Before I knew it the day was over and I started to make my way away from the crowds as soon as possible. I hate questions from random people I just don't like making friends that much. Don't get me wrong, friends are great but it takes a while to get to the friendship level with me since I mostly stay in my shell. The case with Midoriya is different cause that's a relationship we're trying to build from scratch because it's a relationship we were supposed to have already if we had stayed together at birth.

I text my dad and tell him I'm going home before I start on my way. Halfway home it starts to rain which I don't really mind but I didn't bring a jacket so I pick up my pace. It then starts to pour and so I sprint in the direction of home, having a hard time seeing through the downpour. I trip over a box on the path and fall onto the grass dropping my bag. As I tripped I had heard a soft whimper so I look around me as I sat, soaked, on the grass. The box I had tripped over is closed and so I set it upright and open it.

Inside is a small black ball of fur wrapped in a drenched blanket. The poor kitten shakes from the cold so I quickly remove it from the blanket and put it inside my blazer. I gently tuck the tiny animal into my pocket and hold it against me letting it steal my warmth. I realize I'm not far from home so I quickly run the rest of the way. Once inside I grab a hand towel to dry the kitten off. I then heat up some milk in a bowl and set in on the floor next to it. It purrs contently as I pet it on my lap after it had warmed up. Hopefully Dad let's me keep this little guy.

Izuku's Lost Twin (Bnha x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now