Chapter 1

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I take a deep breath trying again to focus on the glass of water in front of me. It shakes, lifting a bit before falling back down onto the table.


"What do you think I'm doing?" I reply giving a slight glare to the yellow caterpillar sitting on the chair not far from me. He simply glares back and says, "How do you expect to get into UA when you're obviously distracted? If you were in my class I would've expelled you on the spot."

Isn't that so reassuring. Not even my dad wants me in his class, how much of a failure am I?

Noticing the slight change in my expression, Aizawa sat up and stepped out of his sleeping bag. He nods over to the sparring ring outside knowing I would much rather spar to clear my head than talk.

After sparring with my dad for an hour I started to make too many mistakes, leaving too many openings in my stance and defence. Taking advantage of my weak points Aizawa was quick to get me on the ground in a hold that, even if I was at my best, I wouldn't be able to get out of.

"You're getting sloppy. Usually sparring clears your head maybe this is something too big to get out with a simple fight." Aizawa gets off of me, straightening out his clothes. "Go take a shower. I'll get dinner ready and then we'll talk."

I made my way slowly to my room, dreading having a talk with my father. He has never been good with emotions, to be fair neither am I, but still. I took a long hot shower in which I mostly just stood there staring at the tile and letting the water run down my body.

What is bugging me so much? Did something happen recently to trigger me or am I just off today? Nothing is wrong with me right? Maybe I'm losing my quirk? Is that possible? That's probably not it...

A firm knock sounds on my door and I jump a little. "Dinner is almost done hurry it up in there." I quickly turn off the shower and dry myself off before changing into sweatpants and a t-shirt. I ruffle my  h/c hair with my towel getting it a bit more dry than it was previously before making my way to the dining room.

The table was already set for two and the food was in the centre, stream rising from the pan. I sit down in my chair and say my thanks before helping myself to a serving. Aizawa clears his throat before looking at me from across the small table, clearly expecting me to talk to him about whatever had me off today.

What do I tell him? He won't believe me if I say I don't know will he? I doubt he would make me talk about anything I don't want to though. But I've been a bit off for almost a week now so he knows something is up...

"I-I ummm...I'm not sure what's wrong with me..." I mumble. He looks slightly irritated but at the same time I could see the smallest bit of concern on his features.

"How many times have I told you not to mumble..." he gives an exasperated sigh. "So you don't know what's up with you recently huh?" I shake my head looking down at my plate while slowly moving my food around on it.

"Do you think something's wrong with me?" I voice out my fear not stopping to think about it first. He grabs my left that was tapping the table nervously. "Y/n nothing is wrong with you we all have our off days, it's just usually for you those off days are caused by something. Are you sure there's nothing you want to tell me?"

I don't know dad. I just don't know. Suddenly an idea struck me and my face lit up a bit from the sad expression it had before. Aizawa raises a questioning eyebrow at me. I then quickly shook my head realizing it was a dumb idea. "Sorry I just thought of something then realized it was a dumb idea..."

"What was it? It can't be that bad if you lit up like that." I sigh before looking down at my hands as I fidget with my fingers. "Well I was thinking that maybe I could possibly figure out what's wrong with me if I...if I ummm... when was the last time we visited Hitoshi?"

Izuku's Lost Twin (Bnha x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now