Chapter 16

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Aizawa's POV

The amount of panic that flooded my body when Hizashi got a call from Y/n was indescribable. I had come up with this plan and it isn't working. The villain used me to get in and so I needed someone to help me escape in order to come here to restrain the villain. I figured that getting captured by the villain and leading him into a trap would be the best course of action but I didn't expect the villain to know which room Y/n is in. I also didn't expect All Might to show up late to saving me but I guess there were other people in danger on the way. We run to class 1-A as fast as possible and when we get there I'm quite shocked. No one seems injured and the villain is unconscious and chained up. My eyes scan the room before stopping on my son. Not surprisingly he's on the floor and looking pale. I make my way to him without hesitation and hug him tightly. I run my fingers through his hair and tell him I'm sorry but that I'm also so proud of him at the same time. His body soon goes limp in my arms and I pick him up bridal style. I get a few worried glances from my students but I ease their minds saying that it's common for him to pass out after overusing his quirk. Not to mention the emotional side of things. The amount of emotional strain he's been experiencing in the past few days is enough to make me exhausted. Even though this happens regularly I still take him to the old lady to get checked out cause you can never be too careful. The other heroes had already taken care of the villain and police side of things so I could put all my attention on my son.

"I hope your boy can find some closure with his past now. He's healthy for the most part just been very stressed. I can tell because even now some of his muscles are still tense. I'd suggest some sort of therapy or find a way to talk over what's causing the stress and see if that can be fixed. He should wake up in a few hours probably with a migraine since that is his quirk's side effect." A few hours... so the end of the school day. I suppose I need to go and actually teach my class.

Y/n's POV

A stabbing pain goes through my head as I quickly shut my eyes against the blinding lights of the room. I wince a little knowing that my migraine is definitely not going away anytime soon. I feel around to try to figure out where I am since the last thing I remember is being in Aizawa's arms. I guess I'm in Recovery Girl's room since I seem to be on a bed that's not mine. "Oh your finally awake?" A familiar voice says out of nowhere making my body flinch and a wince to leave my mouth. "Can you turn off the lights in here?" I say, my voice no more than a whisper. The red I see from behind my eyelids goes away and I slowly open my eyes. "Thank you."

I glance over at Izuku who seems to be pretty happy. He's carrying his hero notebook as he makes his way over to me and pulls a chair next to the bed. The chair lets off a screeching noise as it's dragged across the floor and my hands cover my ears instinctively. He opens his mouth but I hold out a hand and stop him before he speaks. "I have a horrible migraine right now so I'd rather not talk and if you're going to talk then keep it quiet please." He nods in acknowledgement before fanboying over my moves from earlier and saying how I had the perfect quirk to fight against the villain and no one else could've stopped him... besides Aizawa Sensei. I close my eyes again not in the mood to really accept his praise since it should've never happened in the first place. Slowly his words become nothing more than white noise in the background as I drift off to sleep.

⚠️Trigger Warning: rape (skip to after the italics if you have a problem reading this)⚠️

I open my eyes and seem to be enveloped in darkness. I go to move when I realize that I'm tied down to a hard surface. What happened to the bed I was on before? The haunting voice of Blaze fills my ears. His breath ghosts over my body as he talks and that's when I realize that I'm not wearing anything. I feel vulnerable and exposed and scared. A blinding light turns on right above my face before it is brought higher to shine over my whole body. My body is ugly and littered with scars but I don't feel self conscious about them. It's what others don't know that makes me feel gross and shameful. My space has been invaded by dirty hands, touching places I don't want them to. Hands make their way onto me feeling me up as I squirm against the restraints, tears forming in my eyes. "No stop. Please...I don't want this." I cry out in pain as a scalpel digs into my side. Sadistic laugher echoes in my head as the hands move down before grabbing my member harshly. I whimper as tears run down my face. Make it stop....Dad...where are you? Are you coming to save me? Or did you leave me in his clutches on purpose? Why is this happening again? Something invades my body from below as my eyes squeeze shut. It burns as my body is used forcibly. Suddenly I'm back to being a six-year old boy who is too small to do anything as a grown man pins you down and uses you like a toy for his own enjoyment. Bite marks cover my body along with the gashes from knives and whips that were used when I didn't behave the way they wanted. My throat burns from screaming as well as being forced to take it orally. Literal burns also could be found in places no one can see caused by enjoyment triggering their quirk. How long have I been here I wonder? Will I die in this place? Tears start to stream down my face as I feel myself losing my grip on the tether called life. A soft voice echoes in my head but I can't understand what they are saying. It gets louder and louder until I recognize it as my name.

I jolt up in my bed as Aizawa, accompanied by Recovery Girl and another man that I don't recognize, are standing beside me. My eyes are wide and relief floods over me. It was just a dream...more like nightmare...that seemed very real. Dad's hands cup my face and rub the tears I hadn't realized we're running down my face away. His eyes are filled with worry and my eyebrows pinch together as I worry over what he could be worrying about. "You were talking in your sleep...if there is something you need to tell us we are all ears. This wasn't any normal nightmare I know because I have experienced many of those nights with you. This one was different you seemed more scared of whatever was happening to you in it. Please let us know what we can do to help ok N/n." I glance over at the guy in the room I don't know. He seems totally invested in whatever I say next and yet he has a soft smile on his face seeming welcoming and friendly. His hair is a deep brown and he's around Dad's height. His teal eyes catch me staring and he introduces himself, "Hello Aizawa-kun. I'm Dr. Chinen Yasahiro it's a pleasure to meet you." I nod in response knowing he must be a therapist since he just gives off that kind of vibe. I wonder what his quirk is? "My quirk is actually being able to direct people's emotions by changing my aura. I'm also able to feel the emotions of others through their aura." Did I ask that out loud? Is that why I feel so calm right now? Usually I would be panicking over my dream still. Maybe this guy can actually help me... He definitely seems capable. Recovery Girl, knowing I'm in good hands and not wanting to interfere, quietly leaves the room.

"Umm..." I clear my throat as my voice sounds raspy almost like I'd been screaming. "I haven't said this to anyone because it's embarrassing..." I fidget with my shirt as I look down at my hands feeling repulsed even just thinking about it. "Blaze did more than just wound me back then, he used me and I'm disgusted with myself because of it." Even though I hadn't clarified everyone knew exactly what I meant. Dad hugged me tightly as a weight feels like it's lifted off my chest. "No more secrets...please?" Dad says pulling away to look me in the eye knowing how hard it would be to tell him every last detail. "I promise." I then relay exactly what happened in my dream to him, feeling relaxed and loved in that moment. I know that he's listening with his full attention on every aspect of what I'm saying and I can't believe how well the Doctor's quirk must work since everything comes flooding out easily and not a single tear is least not by me.

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