Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

My mind is blank as I seem to go into fight-or-flight mode. My body moves on it's own, removing the hand from my throat before it can do much damage and pinning both villains to the ground with my quirk. I dodge all warp gates that open up as I rush to the nearest door hoping that once I'm out of sight from the warper that I would no longer be in as much danger. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep them from moving since I haven't tested out my quirk long-range like this yet. I've never used it for a long time on something I couldn't see. My legs feel numb with how fast they are moving down these never ending halls. I slow down and catch my breath and I notice I can't feel my quirk being used right now, in fact I haven't felt it since I made it down the first short hall. I look around and these walls look significantly different from the first room and hallway.

Shit. I must've gone through a warp gate to this place which seems like a labyrinth. I jog past doors upon doors, most of which have red x's on them. I don't even want to know what's behind them knowing that whatever it is probably isn't good. Surely I'll reach an exit soon...I've been headed in the same direction, for the most part, so I have to run into a wall that leads outside eventually...I hope. I have to find a way out, I have too. My fists clench and after running for what felt like ages I'm so frustrated that I punch a wall.

"Punching the wall isn't going to get you out of here. No matter how hard you try or how far you run it's impossible to escape." A disembodied voice resounds in my head. What the hell is going on? Laughter comes next before fading away leaving me even more confused. Am I losing my mind?

"On the contrary, you are simply just stuck in someone else's. They have been dreaming quite simply till now, that'll change for the better soon. By that I mean for me, not for you, it'll be hell for you." Eerie laughter fills my head again as the hallways start to change. A door appears at both ends of the hallway. The one behind me is locked so I can only go forward. Every time I open the door it seems I am brought back into the same hallway but different things about it keep changing. There must be some way to get out of here. Am I here physically or just a mental representation? Would dying be a way out of this dreamscape? Nothing can tell me about how to return to reality and I don't want to actually die. If I stop moving forward would something happen? This is exactly why Aizawa never let me play horror video games...

The lights in the halls turn red as I step through the door again and the only thing I hear is my shoes on the creaking floor. I just want to go home... Is it possible for someone to be born with a quirk that puts people in their dream or is this some sort of simulation that I've been hooked up to somehow? Shivers run up my spine as a door slamming shut resonates in the hall. I keep my back to the wall looking both ways down the hall not sure which door was opened and then closed. I grip my arms tightly feeling helpless and scared. My body shakes and I feel tears sting my eyes. Would my quirk even work against something that's not real? Will something that's not real be able to hurt me?

I get my answer a lot sooner than I ever wanted to. Clawed hands grip at my arms and legs, reaching through a blood like portal in the wall behind me. The claws pierce my skin and grip so tight I can feel the bruises already. I don't even have time to scream before another hand covers my mouth and nose. I thrash against the hold, not being able to breath as I'm pulled into the warm sticky substance. Seconds later I'm being thrown out the other side into a different hallway than before but still just as creepy. I feel dazed as if I'm not sure if that just happened or not. I look down at my arms and legs that were bleeding and come to the conclusion that it really did happen and I am not going insane...yet. My breaths come in short gasps and my hands start to go numb. Now's really not the time to be panicking. Panicking will get you killed.

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