Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

I stand outside of the training ground waiting for the doors to open. I couldn't help but notice that Midoriya and Hitoshi were both in the same exam group as me. As soon as the door opens I stay in the back to see where Hitoshi would go. It was obvious that he had already given up on passing considering he went and sat pretty much right at the entrance. I walk up to him quickly before saying, "You're not failing on my watch." The exam is ten minutes long so if he gets points by controlling me for the first five minutes that should be enough time for me to get enough points for myself.

"What are you talking about? My quirk is useless against robots and you know I don't like controlling people without their knowledge of my quirk..."

"Take control of me for five minutes and get enough points to pass you've got my permission and if this doesn't work I talk to the board and say the points I got in the first half are all your doing."

"Are you sure?"


I slowly regain feeling of my body feelings slightly dazed. I look around and give Hitoshi a thumbs up when I spot him off to the side then I go around and start lifting robots and smashing them together. Suddenly a giant robot appeared, this must be the zero point robot that Present Mic mentioned. Everyone was running away from it except for one person. Midoriya. What the heck is he doing does want to get stomped by that thing?!

I start running towards it as well and realize why he ran towards it. A girl was trapped under a large piece of debris and would get crushed if she didn't get help. The giant robot slowly lifted its foot and was about to crush her when my instincts took over and I held the foot in place right above the piece of debris. The strain was horrible. Never had I tried so hard to fight against not only gravity but a moving object that was intent on putting its foot down.

I watch as Midoriya keeps running full sped towards the robot. Is he an idiot? My eyes widen and the foot moves a bit closer to the debris as my focus wavers. Midoriya truly is an idiot. Who in their right might would attack the giant robot head-on instead of freeing the victim first? Before I knew it the strain I had was removed as the robot collapses onto its back. I shift my attention back to Midoriya realizing he has no way to stop himself from falling. The closer I look at him the more I am scared for him. His legs are severely broken, enough that they were both facing directions they shouldn't be able to, and him arm was also limp and disfigured.

Before he could go splat I slowly stop his body from falling before placing him carefully on the ground. I faintly here him whisper something along the lines of "I can still do this I can still get at least one point." before Present Mic calls out that the exam time was over. I feel bad for Midoriya it was almost like he wasn't built for his quirk or as if he hasn't learned to use it yet.

I walk over to him before saying "I don't think I've ever seen something so reckless in my life but you still took down the robot and saved that girl so I'm sure you'll still pass. Oh and I don't believe I told you my name I'm Y/n."

He passed out shortly after saying his thanks for stopping his fall. I somehow think we could become great friends or maybe even close brothers if he is actually related to me. Soon enough Recovery Girl came up to his unconscious body mumbling something about how one's quirk could even do this to their body before she kissed him a few times. I assume that's how her healing quirk works. "Is he going to be alright?" I ask a bit concerned for him.

"He'll be just fine. Might have to be sitting at home for a while in a couple of casts but nothing life threatening." I sighed in relief.

"Do you need any help transferring him over to the nurses station?"

"That would be great that way I can attend to any others who got injured." I nod in response before carefully picking Midoriya's body off the ground. He is surprisingly heavy, I guess he must have quite a bit of muscle cause he definitely isn't fat. His limbs seemed to have been corrected back to face the right way so I could hold him in a piggy back instead of bridal style. Wouldn't that be awkward if he was to wake up with me carrying him like a princess?

After placing him on a bed in the nurses station I leave and left the rest up to the pros. I quickly text my dad asking if he was at the school still or if he was home. He responds with at the school so I go to the main building and make my way to his office. I knock on the door and when I don't get an answer I let myself in. Apparently at the school did not mean his office. I sigh before walking out and closing the door. I need to talk to the board and ask about Shinso because I swore I wouldn't let him fail. The problem is I have no clue where they watch the exams from. Maybe I should just ask. I shoot another text asking where and quickly make my way over using a campus map I found in Aizawa's office.

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