Chapter 24

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Y/n's POV

My breath comes in short gasps as I wake up from another nightmare. There was no one there to save me from my own mind, visiting hours had ended ages ago and Dad had to leave to do work as well as check up on the other students. I sit in the dark, empty hospital room, hyperventilating as tears run down my face. The only comfort to my panic attack is the fact that I can move and am not suffering from sleep paralysis in that moment.

I can feel my hands go numb from poor oxygen flow and so I move them around a bit in hope that they would regain feeling. I try to imagine Dad's voice telling me to breath with him, nice and slow. Whenever my breathing returns to a somewhat normal rate images from my nightmare would flash around my mind and I'd be back where I started. Eventually I give up and decide I need help if I am ever going to get out of the horrible panic attack that I am having. I hit the button to call a nurse in and a few moments later a woman enters the room and asks me what's wrong.

She realizes almost immediately and helps me to calm down and take my mind off of things for a little while before giving me some medication that would aid in sleeping. She politely tells me that I should get some more rest considering it is one in the morning. She leaves me to rest after that and thankfully I sleep like a baby.

Aizawa's POV

I crash into my bed immediately when I get home, glad that I can finally rest for the first time in a few days. Sleep consumes me quickly and my muscles relax. I'm jostled awake when arms wrap around my waist and pull me back against a warm chest. Hizashi nuzzles my neck before whispering, "Sorry to wake you...just wanted some peaceful cuddling before Y/n comes home..." I notice the anxiousness in his voice and I can tell he is wondering just as much as I am about what Y/n went through in those couple of days. As much as I had wanted to ask him about it I knew that talking about such things is difficult and would be done in his own time not mine, plus I'm sure he doesn't want to be reminded right after being saved.

"Zashi?" A small hum is his response. "What if he doesn't get through this?" I ask softly. It's silent for a moment that seems to stretch on endlessly.

"I think all we can do is help him the best we can and trust that he's strong enough to pull through. And if that's not enough than we will just have to keep trying."

A small smile crosses my face as I turn to face Hizashi. "When did you become so good at this parenting thing?" I ask jokingly. He responds in a more endearing manner, "I only learned from the best and he's twice the man and father than I'll ever be." A brief kiss is shared before we decided sleep is needed. I lay on top of Hizashi, his arms wrapped around me as we slowly drift off into unconsciousness.

Y/n's POV

Floating. That's how I'd describe the feeling between being awake and dreaming still. I feel no pain just floating here listening to the soft voices around me. I couldn't make out any of the words but it was still calming, the deep vibrations of the voices were soothing. The peaceful atmosphere in my mind was almost too peaceful, where was I again? This wasn't my bed at least it didn't feel like it. The voices were familiar and close to me. I finally manage to pull myself out of unconsciousness and open my eyes.

I'm in the hospital? Why? Did I over use my quirk? What day is it today? Why do I still feel so tired? My parents sit in two chairs next to the bed talking quietly to each other, neither seem to notice I'm awake. I look around the room and down at myself feeling lost. My arms seem to be bandaged so I must be here for a reason other than quirk fatigue. It's so frustrating, why can't I remember? Did I hit my head? I shift around a bit reaching up to my head to check for any bumps or bandages. All I notice it how puffy my face is as if I had cried myself to sleep. I'm not in any pain so I'm assuming that I'm on pain meds right now plus there seems to be two IVs in my arm.

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