Chapter 11

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Aizawa's POV

When I had heard the police call to my address the amount of worry I had was almost immeasurable. The reason I got called in was because the villain Blaze had escaped from prison. The same villain I had put away almost 10 years ago after I had rescued Y/n from his clutches. I know that recently Y/n hasn't been able to keep every part of his past in his subconscious and I knew that if this villain appeared to him it would all come flooding back.

When I had rescued Y/n he was on the verge of death. Multiple wounds littered his body from bruises to stabs to broken bones. I had sworn to keep him safe so he would never have to experience that ever again but as I rushed over to my house I wondered if I was too late and my promise would be broken along with him.

The police were already parked in front of my house. A few searched the area but there was no sign of anyone. I quickly head inside and search every room. Y/n's room was trashed and in the walls the words 'I'll be back for your son Eraserhead' were carved. I let out a breath of slight relief before heading outside and calling his name. I run to the tallest building knowing well that he would've wanted to be as high up as possible so no one would hear him. One look at him and I knew he was broken so I hug him hoping that I can once again help him put the pieces back together. Tears sting in my eyes as he holds onto me tightly. I want to apologize for leaving him all alone but I know that's not what he needs to hear right now. I pick him up, glad that I actually stay fit, otherwise I definitely would've collapsed under his weight. I smile a little when I finally notice he's got my scarf wrapped around him. His head pushes into my neck as tears continue run down his face.

After a quick chat with the police they head off and I carry him inside. I make a small joke about his weight and completely forgot his room was trashed. I walked in and walked out debating what to do for a second before deciding he'll sleep with me. I go to set him down but he doesn't let go. I plead with him and tell him I'm not going anywhere before I'm able to pry him off. I change into some pajamas and brush my teeth before climbing into the unoccupied side of the bed. I shift over to be closer to the middle and soon enough Y/n is sound asleep with his head on my chest.

I sigh before grabbing my phone and checking the time. A little after 3 and school starts at 8 so we need to get up in less than 4 hours. That is if he even wants to go to school because it is totally understandable if he doesn't and wants to recover a bit from the trauma. I text the schoolboard to let them know what happened just in case I don't show up to school for the first time ever. My son needs me and will always be infinitely more important than my perfect attendance record. Though I do hope he still wants to go to school because if he's going to be a hero there is clearly a lot more than strength and quirk training we have to work on.

~Timeskip to around 6am~

Y/n's POV

I wake up cold and drenched in sweat. I can't move! Why can't I move! My breaths come in panicked short gasps as tears pour out of my eyes. The room is a blur around me.
Can't breathe!

Just as I start to see black spots in my vision warm hands start to shake my shoulders gently. All I can hear is a ringing in my ears with a slightly muffled voice in the background. My limp body is moved into a sitting position as the warmth embraces me. I try my hardest to move just any part of my body but it's like my body is still asleep while my mind is awake. The muffled voice starts to get louder and a bit clearer, slowly I can hear what it's saying. "Y/n if you can hear me I want you to try breathing with me ok? Just copying my breathing." He proceeds to take big breaths before letting the air out slowly. He does this a couple of times and I try my best to breathe the same as him. His hands rub my back comfortingly and slowly I feel all the numbness in my body fade away. I move my fingers first, my entire body feeling prickly like needles are pressing into my skin. Tears stream down my face as I move my arms to grasp onto Aizawa. I calm down from my panic attack and try to suppress my emotions so I don't start another one when we inevitably pull away from each other.

"Don't do that. No more suppressing your feelings otherwise they build up and end up like this. I think I'm going to book an appointment for you with a therapist it could help you out a lot... that is if that's fine with you. I'm not going to pressure you into talking to a professional about your problems."

I feel so relieved inside, how in the world did I end up with the best Dad. He pulls back from the hug with a look of concern and love and I give him a small smile, tears still in my eyes. "I promise I'll stop and I'll try out this whole therapy thing if you think it'd help." A small meow was heard before the small black kitten, that I'd momentarily forgotten about, came and sat in my lap rubbing against my stomach. I check the time on the alarm clock before saying, "Guess it's time for breakfast isn't it?" I scratch the ears of the kitten whose green eyes gazed up at me lovingly. It's almost as if he knew I was upset and wanted to cheer me up with his cuteness. "I think I'm going to call you Lev."

I get out of bed a bit shakily and move to go to my room to change. I stop at the door which was covered in police tape and groan. My phone is in there...and other things I need. I make my way downstairs, Lev trailing behind me. Once in the kitchen I grab a bowl and pour some milk into it before setting it in front of Lev who quickly empties the bowl. Guess I need to go out and actually get stuff for this cat, maybe after school. Dad is making breakfast so I have nothing to do right now. "Hey Dad why is my room blocked off? I need my stuff from in there like my bag and school uniform." My dad's face looks a bit shocked.

"I didn't think you'd want to go to school after what happened. You know you don't have to right?" I nod before replying "It'd be better than being stuck at home all day with nothing to do but think. Plus I think my friends are probably worried about me."

"Alright it's your decision. I'll grab your things from your room would you mind making sure the food doesn't burn?" I nod again and move towards the stove to take his place. He comes back moments later with my phone, bag and school uniform. I grab my phone and immediately plug it in before going to the bathroom to change. Looking at myself in the mirror I could almost look like Aizawa's actual son what with the bags under my eyes. I splash my face with cold water trying my best to make the puffiness go down. Guess that's what I get for crying so much. I get into my uniform and straighten out my hair before exiting the bathroom. I hear my phone turn on because of the constant buzz of notifications. I unlock my phone to see over 100 missed messages. I quickly text the group chat that I'm okay and that my phone had died at the worst possible moment before I lock my phone and put it in my bag.

Aizawa set the table and we say our thanks before eating up a good breakfast. I didn't realize how much being tired makes you want to eat more. Or maybe it was just because I used so much energy crying and my body wants that energy back. In conclusion I definitely ate more for breakfast than I usually would. I cleaned up the dishes as Aizawa got ready and soon we were both off to UA once again.

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