Chapter 28

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Midoriya's POV

I had practiced all weekend writing with my left hand since my right one was still out of commission but as soon as the first lecture started it became apparent that this wasn't going to work. Since I sit next to Y/n, I tap his shoulder to get his attention. His pen scores across the page he is writing on as his entire body jerks because I touched him. I watch as he closes his eyes, sets down his pen and takes a few deep breaths before turning to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh could I borrow your notes for the classes today, I can't seem to keep up." I whisper, deciding to ignore the odd behaviour for now. He simply nods before focusing back on the front of the room.

It was at lunch that I notice similar things happen with Y/n. He keeps spacing out and staring at the walls as if expecting something to jump out at him. He also avoids physical contact like the plague, and opts to eat lunch in the classroom rather than the cafeteria.

By the time our hero training rolls around I am concerned. Apparently Y/n is exempt from training for the time being and instead is allowed to spectate. However the louder it is for our quirk training the more Y/n would keep away. He also keeps looking past people instead of at them and not once did I hear him talk to anyone.

At the end of the day I grab his arm and pull him into the locker room. As soon as I realize his arm is shaking under my grasp I let go. "Tell me what's going on Y/n I don't like being left in the dark, especially if there's something I can do to help."

I know that he was imprisoned for a few days and I saw how bad the damage was but clearly physical damage was not all there was. I thought that since he was fine the past week that things had blown over but they definitely hadn't and I could see that now.

"It's nothing. Really, I'm fine. Shit happens and I just need to get over it." The look on his face says anything but the 'I'm fine' façade he is trying for.

"Who are you trying to fool? Do you think that saying you're ok will make you feel ok? Cause I know from experience that it doesn't work like that. It's alright if you're not fine because we all have things that bother us and that we can't seem to forget no matter how hard we try. Maybe we should focus less on forgetting and more on moving forward. I don't know what happened to you when you were taken but I'm here to listen if you need. Just stop trying to do it all alone cause I don't want to lose you to something that I can't even understand." A sniffle brought my attention back to the room around me and I realize that I am the one crying whereas Y/n couldn't even look at me. After a few seconds of silence, a hoarse whisper breaks through the air.

"Your dead...That's all I can see whenever I look at you. You just keep on dying over and over again." His voice sounds rough like he hadn't used it in a while or like he's on the verge of breaking down. "I tried my hardest to live as if nothing happened but blocking out entire sections of my memory just doesn't work like it used to. Now there's always something that comes along and cracks that seal, which leads to nightmares and hallucinations and never ending thoughts of what I saw." He trembles as he embraces himself tightly, eyes fixed on the floor. I just stood there unable to comprehend what he just said. With a closer look I can see that his grip on himself is a bit too tight as his knuckles begin to whiten. I might not know what you've been through but I can't let you continue to suffer alone like this.

"I-I don't know what to say...." I take a deep breath before I let my mouth say what I would want to hear in this situation. "I'm not going to die okay? No matter what, everyone here is going to live to see that future where we're all heroes together. I promise." Even if we do die it's probably not gonna be in whatever gruesome way your thinking.

The door opens and both of us turn towards it. Aizawa Sensei stands in the doorway and looks on the brink of insanity, a look that I probably caused considering the situation. I notice a rapid movement of Y/n's arms as they quickly go back to a resting position by his sides as if he was afraid of...Aizawa? finding out he was doing something wrong. I'm sure that underneath his jacket you could find finger like bruises, but it's not like Aizawa wouldn't be able to tell that Y/n is off, right?

"Sorry Sensei I didn't mean to make you worry about Y/n I just wanted to have a talk with him." I turn to face Y/n again and this time he looks back at me. Giving a small smile I say, "If you ever need anything I'm just a call away." I wave goodbye and leave the room, glancing back to see Y/n relax into a warm embrace, not even wincing as Aizawa pressed against where bruises should be. Y/n is a pretty open person when it comes to his relationship with his father so I'm sure that he'll be fine and that the self harm is being dealt with. At least I hope.

Y/n's POV

My body feels numb inside of Dad's hug and my eyes burn with unshed tears. The first thing he does after pulling away is scan my body for injury which I hate to admit makes me nervous. His stare is unwaveringly on me and my hands twitch a bit under the pressure, ultimately leading the gaze to my arms. Since I had already changed out of my uniform and am now wearing a hoodie and t-shirt, it didn't take much for him to ask me to take off the hoodie. I hesitate a bit and his gaze softens as if to say that he wouldn't be angry with me. When the hoodie is pulled off I chance a glance down at my arms, they were a pretty badly bruised around the biceps and there are angry red lines scratched over old scars on both wrists. There is no blood which meant that I'd been keeping away from using anything sharp, meaning technically I am doing better than I could've been.

"Do you want to see Recovery Girl about this?" Dad asks slightly concerned that I'd been able to do so much damage while under almost constant supervision. I shake my head since I didn't want to be a bother and it would defeat the purpose if I just got healed. "We should at least get some ice for the bruises since they seem to have swelled up... come on kid I won't force you to get healed but I'm not gonna let you suffer more than you already are."

He put a steady hand on my back and guides me out of the room towards the nurses office. I glance at the clock on one of the walls and know that most students would have left to go home already so there's a very minuscule possibility that someone would see me that I would know. It just so happens to be my luck that the next time I look up I'm in the nurses office and apparently so is Todoroki.

I sit down on one of the chairs while my dad goes to the back of the room to grab ice and painkillers. I wonder why Todoroki is in here cause I couldn't tell by the small glance I gave him when entering the room. When I manage to force my gaze away from my feet I see Todoroki looking at me with concern written on his face. I probably look like someone had grabbed me and inflicted bruises to my arms, like abuse of some sort. Not a pretty picture but at the same time almost everyone knew that Aizawa would never hurt his kid, which could've made this scene look worst depending on how you perceived it. Luckily I didn't have to ask why Todoroki was here cause Aizawa did for me.

"You here for something particular Todoroki? I could give Recovery Girl a call to get her back in here for you." Todoroki nods and then glances around before saying, "I wanted to uh... get my arm checked out, I think I might have sprained my wrist during training." Aizawa hums in acknowledgement before asking to have a look at his wrist since he should be able to tell if it's sprained or not, just out of experience. Todoroki looks a bit hesitant to show him and that set off a few alarm bells in my head. Did Todoroki really injure his wrist during class or was it from something else?

Aizawa is gentle and cautious as he makes his movements known aloud in order to not scare Todoroki from whatever he was hiding under his sleeve. Once his sleeve is rolled back it isn't hard to realize that it is more than just a sprained wrist. His skin is blistered and swollen, almost like... a flaming hand had grabbed it too hard. Aizawa kept all emotion off of his face as he pulled out his phone to text Recovery Girl. However, I was not able to do that, especially since my emotions were all over the place right now, evident by the apparent wetness now on my face and dripping down onto my lap. Was Todoroki being abused? When did this even happen? Why wouldn't he say something sooner if it happened before training?

A million questions float around my head but with all my thoughts and worries focusing on Todoroki I couldn't even think about all the negative thoughts about death and whatnot. So in a sense I feel like a had a purpose for the first time in a while because a friend needs my help and I was not going to stand by and watch them suffer.

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