Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV

I can't handle this anymore. Somehow the dreamscape has only gotten worse. I no longer have any concept of time and I don't think I have anything left to throw up anymore. I now have seen Aizawa and Yamada come to rescue me more times than I can count. Every single time they either die in a horribly gruesome way or they transform into monsters themselves and hurt me. I'm currently huddled in a corner on the verge of passing out. I keep the area around me secure by the constant use of my quirk as a pressure so that anything that comes near will get stuck under it.

My eyes burn and my head throbs in pain. A lot of my wounds have fully scabbed over and so I use the cloth on them to stop bleeding elsewhere. I feel sticky with sweat and as I look over myself my stomach does flips knowing that there is some blood that isn't mine. The dreamscape has become more and more personal and I have even watched my younger self get tortured. There's no escape...there's no hope. Even if Dad finds me I don't know if I'll be able to tell reality from this nightmare.

Aizawa's POV

Thanks to Midoriya's insight on the situation I realized that I might've saved Y/n from this villain's hideout years ago. It was of course very probable that they would've moved by now but there could be some clues as to where they had gone to. All of UA's network as well as the police's network of those involved in this investigation had all camera footage around the city on the look out for the villains descriptions.

A few days have passed and apparently they found out where the villains were hiding, although there was no guarantee that Y/n was also there. I volunteered to scout it out and came to the conclusion that my son was there even if it was just based on instinct. Either way we would capture the villains who took him and find out where he is. The mission is planned for tonight and as far as we know there aren't any other villains besides Shigaraki and Kurogiri and so we go in with a small group comprised of Midnight, Present Mic, All Might, a few police squads, and myself. I was not in the plan to fight but rather to find Y/n and get him out while the villains are distracted.

Getting in through the backdoor was fairly easy and I headed straight to the basement. I could hear the fighting going on upstairs as I rush down the hall that's lined with locked doors. They almost all have a red x on them until the last one. I peer through the window but the room is completely dark so I instead start picking the lock, which is a lot harder to do when your hands are bandaged up. Once the door is opened a light flickers on and I see Y/n curled up in the corner of the room. He looks up at me but his eyes look pale in comparison to normal and his pupils are dilated. He looks pretty beat up but he barely acknowledges that I'm here at all and instead buries his head back into his knees.

Unsure of whatever must've happened to him I move closer and say, "I'm here now. They can't hurt you anymore I promise." When I'm a foot away from reaching him I feel stuck in place. He's using his quirk in this state? My eyes flash red and he looks up at me, eyes starting to tear up. They seem to brighten the slightest bit before returning to their pale colour. A sob racks his body as he presses himself farther against the wall almost as if he's trying to get away from me. "Y/n you've gotta breathe for me ok?" He looks up confused and it's like he staring right through me. I finally understand that he must've been injected with something or has some sort of quirk effect on him right now that makes him hallucinate or not see something that's right in front of him. "I'm here and I'm not leaving you. I'm going to hug you now so just close your eyes and breathe with me ok?" I hug him and he immediately tenses before closing his eyes. He doesn't seem to relax all that much but his breathing has returned to a somewhat normal rate.

"I think you are under some kind of quirk right now that also happens to cause you injury when something that's not real hurts you. I'm going to get you out of here and I'm sure the effects will start to wear off as soon as we leave. Until then I'm not going to let you go and I'm going to wrap this around your eyes. If you can't see anything hopefully the quirk won't do any more damage ok?" He simply grips me tighter as I tie some fabric over his eyes. "Just try to stay calm and think of happy thoughts. We'll be out of here as quick as possible."

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