Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV

What the heck is happening? My brain tries to think rationally but my body has other plans it seems. I'm rushing down the stairs after Aizawa, knowing that I should have listened and stayed put but at the same time worrying about if he'd be able to handle himself when his fighting style is mainly one-on-one. He is severely outnumbered, well I guess we're severely outnumbered.

As soon as I join the fray I'm getting attacked from all sides. I vaguely hear an explosion go off at the entrance and watch through my peripheral as the same black mist that let all these villains in engulfs the entrance. So much for rescue training...guess we all get to face real villains instead. I laugh a little at the prospect and especially at the low-life thugs that happened to be picked to fight against us. Clearly they weren't thinking that a first-year hero course would be able to fight and hold their own easily against some thugs that didn't know basic hand-to-hand.

I got a few weird looks as I laughed but I quickly shut up when Aizawa glared at me. Even if I couldn't see his eyes I could still feel them on me. Most of the quirks that these people had weren't very useful when fighting against me. Any long distance quirk is stopped in the air before it reaches me because of my quirk. I would usually throw it back at them just to stall for time while fighting those with close range quirks. "Who taught you guys how to fight? Even my kitten has better instincts than you." I remark as another thug collapses next to me. I haven't even used my chains yet and they haven't landed a single blow to me. I could tell that some were getting more frustrated than others and were trying harder than before to get rid of me.

Aizawa's tactics were amazing to watch as he too went untouched by the villains. He has a clear direction to his movements as well so I glance over to where he seems to be headed. A pale blue-haired figure stands off to the side next to a weird bird-like creature. They're just spectating the action. Guess that's the conductor for this whole invasion plan. Dad must view that guy as the final boss. For some reason he seems strangely familiar.

A blow to my right side knocks me off balance and out of my thoughts. I swear under my breath as I dodge the rest of the blows aimed at me. "Ok... enough playing around." I start using my chains, wrapping them around a few people before launching those people into the larger group around me. As much as I want to use my quirk and just pin everyone to the ground around me I knew I'd become a liability to Aizawa so I held in my anger. I take a deep breath before using the chains to efficiently hit and knock out all the fallen villains around me.

I take a moment to stretch a little bit, knowing that I'll definitely be sore after this, especially with the bruise I can feel forming over my ribs. When I look back over to Aizawa my eyes widen. He's charging the blue-haired guy who was standing off to the side. I watch as his quirk stops right as the man grabs his elbow. Silence engulfs me as I see his skin start to flake away in that small instance of touch. My head throbs and it feels like I'm sinking in water as the pressure gets heavier. Random snippets of a man in all black with a small blue-haired child flashes through my mind. The scary smirk that would come before a searing pain from his touch. He couldn't have been more than a few years older than me and yet he smiled through my screams. That's right, for that one day I was handed over to some strange man and his child to use as a practice dummy for how to torture but not kill. Since I was just a child it also taught him not to have an remorse for the weak. A breath I didn't realize I was holding in suddenly rushes out. I look down at my hands as they shake and my breathing comes out in short gasps.

No...get yourself's not the time to fall apart... My surroundings feel hazy and when my gaze lands on Aizawa again he's... The bird-creature thing has him in his grasp. "Nooo!" I scream out. Even if everything in my right mind is telling me I can't face this thing if Dad couldn't even do anything to it, I still rush at it with all my strength. It breaks Aizawa's arms and smashes his face into the ground then, before I can blink, it's gone. For a moment I'm completely disoriented until I see the blue-haired guy about to touch Tsuyu and Midoriya's punch being completely ineffective on the bird-creature.

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