Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV

The phone rings through the eerie silence of the room. I quickly grab my phone hoping it's Dad telling me he's ok. It's an unknown number but I pick it up anyways and put it on speaker phone. "Hello?" I ask unsure of what to expect from the other end. "Sorry to disturb you before school but this is principal Nezu. We've received word that Aizawa is unable to come in today and he also asked that you come to the school immediately and stay with one of the teachers until further notice. Present Mic will be at your house to escort you to school in about five minutes. Again sorry for all the trouble."

"Wait–and he hung up..." the beeping of the dead line leaves me wondering even more why Dad isn't here right now. I shut off my phone before getting up to get ready for school. Izuku and Hitoshi seem to be ready and breakfast was made earlier so I move as fast as possible so that I can leave as soon as Papa gets here. I am stuffing food down my throat as the door bell rings. Hitoshi goes and opens the door and in comes Present Mic with all his loudness. "Ready to go, champ?" He asks before ruffling my hair. Izuku seems a bit surprised by his actions and I realize that I haven't told him yet. "Is it ok if they come as well?" I say gesturing to Izuku and Hitoshi. Yamada straightens up before clearing his throat and responding with a yes. He clearly did not realize that Midoriya is also here.

As we walk to school Izuku pulls me to walk beside him as Yamada and Hitoshi walk in front of us in their own conversation. "Since when have you been close with Present Mic?" He half whispers to me. "Uhh...I'm technically not supposed to say anything because Dad hates the media but Aizawa has been dating Yamada for a few years now so he's practically my second dad. Sorry I didn't tell you..." I laugh nervously as I rub the back of my neck wondering if there would be some kind of backlash from telling him later. "Oh I guess that makes sense. And sorry for prying I know Aizawa likes his privacy and hates the media. I promise I won't tell anyone." He gives a reassuring smile and then he starts asking questions about what it's like to have two hero parents.

Soon enough we arrive at school. We were fairly early still so we were allowed to chill in the teachers lounge for a bit. While sitting I fidget with my quirk moving things from one spot on the table to another. I really just want to get my mind busy with something so I don't put myself into a deep hole of never ending speculation about my dad. Papa didn't say anything so I have to assume he either doesn't want to worry me or it's nothing serious. The warning bell for the first class rings and so we make our way to home room. Who's going to be teaching if Dad's gone? I hope it's someone good... "I AM HERE to teach this class!" I jinxed it. All might is going to teach the first class but he looks as if he's not sure what he's supposed to be doing right now. He goes over to the single paper on the desk and reads out the instructions which happens to be a single sentence. 'Have students choose class representative and vice representative by the end of class.' All might sweat-drops and looks a bit...relieved? He then announces he will be back just before the class ends to see if we have a decision. As soon as the door closes everyone seems to be jumping out of their seats asking to be representative. I just fidget with my pen as the chaos ensues.

Iida then comes up with an idea of voting in a class rep. Everyone argues that they will all vote for themselves. I step in and say, "How about we make a rule that you can't vote for yourself and you need to put your name on the ballot so we know that no one voted for themselves? I don't want to be rep so I can tally up the votes so not everyone knows who voted for who." Almost everyone agreed with what I had to say and soon we were all writing our ballots. All the ballots were put into a box on my desk. Once everyone had put one in I take it to the front of the class and turn on the smart board. I lay all the ballots out to make sure no one voted for themselves or voted twice before punching them in so they appear on the board. After finishing I announce the winner. Midoriya as rep and Yaoyorozu as vice rep. I try my hardest not to let my disappointment slide into my voice when announcing the vice.

There is still a good half of class left but we were done with what we needed to do so everyone just talked and goofed around with each other. I just sit in my dad's underused desk chair and spin around slowly so I don't get dizzy. After sitting there for a few minutes Iida comes to lecture me about sitting in a teacher's chair. I ignore him for the most part until he stops the chair from spinning and tells me to respect school property. I am definitely not in a good state of mind right now. I kind of want to slap Iida is that a bad thing? Yes I should respect my classmates but at the same time he isn't respecting me. Did he already forget that this is my dad's chair? I guess I wouldn't be that surprised considering we've talked like once. Does everyone forget things about me so easily? Am I just that forgettable? I wonder what he would do if I started to cry right now? My guess would be to panic and get everyone else's attention meaning I would get all the attention...I mean it wouldn't be that bad but I don't want to worry Izuku. Done with my mental rant I look back up at Iida who still seems just as frustrated with me. I let out a sigh before pushing his hand off the chair with my quirk. "You should learn to respect your classmates as much as you respect school property Iida," I say as I continue to spin in the chair, "Plus this chair is owned by Aizawa as much as it's owned by the school therefore I have rights to use it." Though if Dad were here he'd probably kick my ass out of it regardless of if he's going to use it or not. I stop spinning as look at Iida whose face fills with understanding before slight regret. "I apologize for being rude and telling you what to do especially since I clearly forgot that this is your father's chair. It won't happen again." He says as his hands chop the air before he bows and walks away. I turn my attention back to my class and decided to have a little fun. As everyone talks I focus as best as I can and slowly, one by one I collect their cellphones from out of their bags. I'm glad my dad's desk has a computer on it that hides whatever is behind it. I check everyone's phone to see if any didn't have a passcode. Sadly I'm out of luck. I do however find a few cute lock screen pictures and I immediately start to ship some people together assuming no one is dumb enough to have their lock screen as their self. Everyone seems to have a smartphone except for Uraraka. I feel kind of bad cause it must be hard to attend UA without the proper funds for it.

It's been a few minutes and still no one has noticed that their phones are gone. I mean UA does have a strict no phones policy in class but still no one has checked theirs at all when there is no teacher around? I get bored so I try taking peoples entire bags instead which is a lot more difficult but since the room is so huge I make the bags go all the way up to the ceiling and make their way over to me. I start with the bags that nobody is gathered around. And soon I have seven bags behind the desk. Izuku's, Bakugo's, Hagakure's, Aoyama's, Ojiro's, Hitoshi's, and my own. I kinda assumed that Izuku's would be normal but I did take the chance to flip through his hero note book. I wrote some things down on the page he has for me and even signed it for him before putting it back. Bakugo's bag is in prestige condition which I did not expect, but all he has is dumb textbooks in it and his lunch money. Hagakure's has nothing out of the ordinary although I don't understand why she has makeup in her bag. Does she even wear makeup? Wouldn't that just make her visible? Or would it be invincible on her face and thus be pointless? Aoyama's bag is full of glitter. I honestly don't understand that guy. Underneath the glitter is a wrapped up brick of weird French? cheese? I don't even know anymore. Ojiro's bag is normal, as well, besides some mint supersized body lotion. Hitoshi's bag is pretty much empty besides a few notebooks and some energy capsules.

Just as I'm halfway through bringing Todoroki's bag over to me some one makes me lose focus. "What are you doing?" Hitoshi says from behind me all the sudden. Crap crap crap. I quickly catch the bag just before it hits someone's head. " Hey! Isn't that Todoroki's bag?" Mina asks. Todoroki looks up and realizes it is and I make the bag move towards him. He grabs it and then sends a questioning glare at me. I sweat-drop as almost everyone looks over at me. "Guess the fun is over. Took you all way too long to notice." People start to wonder what I'm talking about until they realize they are missing their bags or phone. "Soooo...turns out that I have to be somewhere at the moment..." I say as I check my nonexistent watch. Just as I get up Hitoshi grabs my shoulder. "I think it'd be best if you didn't run away from this one, right?" I sigh before almost mindlessly returning everyone's stuff to their desks. I then apologize for taking their stuff before I sit back at my desk. I check the time and realize class should've ended almost a half hour ago and yet no bells were rung. Does no one else notice? Is something going on that we don't know about and all the teachers are in some sort of meeting...or maybe...


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