Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV

A few days have passed since the school lockdown and we are all sitting in the cafeteria for lunch. Surprisingly no questions were asked after the incident at least not to me anyways. I suspect that Aizawa had told everyone to not confront me about it which makes sense considering how triggering this guy is for me. We are all just idly chatting when an alarm goes off. "LEVEL 3 SECURITY BREACH. IMMEDIATE EVACUATION."

I freeze in my seat as everyone scrabbles to get into the cramped hallway. No one seems to notice me as I remain in my seat. There is no way I'm getting in a cramped panicking hallway of people. Why is it not moving? Did the doors shut like they did for lockdown? All the sudden everyone was quiet and the pushing seemed to stop. Iida's voice rings out over the crowd and everyone is immediately calm. I just go back to eating my soba as a message relays that the breach has been dealt with.

The class after lunch Midoriya gave up his position as class rep in favour of it being Iida. I don't really agree with him since I definitely had voted for him but if everyone else in the class wanted Iida then there was nothing I could do. The class seems to drag on and on but near the end Aizawa mentions what we'd be doing next week. Rescue training at a special UA facility. Everyone in ecstatic about it since classes have been relatively normal since the second day of school.

Soon enough the school day ends and I pack up my things to leave. A slam on my desk startles me and I look up at a soft face on the verge of laughter. "Sorry- I didn't mean to make you jump, although it was kind of funny." Izuku spits out quickly a big smile on his face. "Do you want to come over for a sleepover, since it's the weekend?" I give him a small smile, adrenaline from being startled now completely gone as I relax.

"I don't see why not."

~Timeskip ~

"You know when you invited me over for a sleepover I kind of assumed it would be just us." I say glancing around the room at the faces of the guys in our class. For some strange reason I feel oddly uncomfortable even if I wasn't surrounded by strangers and they were just classmates. Most of who were kind of hot. Where the heck did that thought come from? I shake my head as Izuku lets out a nervous chuckle. "Uh after you left school some of them approached me asking if they could come too and then everyone just thought it was a come if you want kind of thing after I said yes. I mean the more the merrier right?"

I give a hesitant nod trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Even Todoroki is here maybe this is the chance to make a move. Or maybe not cause like how does one just come out and admit their gay to everyone in their class. I mean I'm fairly certain Todoroki is gay but is that too big of an assumption to make I mean I barely know anything about this guy. "Let's get our things set out in the living room and then play a game." Izuku says cheerily.

After all the futons are set out the dreaded game is starting, 'Truth or Dare'. Since Izuku is a cinnamon roll he didn't suggest dirty version which I'm grateful for, although I'm not sure if he even knows there is a dirty version. "I'll start! Kirishima, truth or dare?" Izuku asks. "Dare."

"Hmm...I dare you to lick someone's foot." Kirishima's face twists in disgust before he asks, "I get to choose?" Out of nowhere Izuku pulls out a bottle and puts it in the middle of our rough circle before spinning it. I watch it intensely with my fingers crossed that it won't land on me. Slowly the bottle comes to a stop and it's pointed To be fair I was probably one of the better options considering I had showered before coming here. I take off my sock and put my foot out in front of me already hating this game. Kirishima takes a few breaths to steel himself before his warm wet tongue brushes my foot for a second. I let out the breath I was holding in glad that no one noticed that I'm ticklish. I put back on my sock and wait for the game to continue.

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