Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

We go inside to the dining room where the table is already set with the food steaming in the pots. I look around but I don't see Aizawa. My eyes catch on the post-it note on his chair.

'Got called into work. Won't be back till later. Eat and go to bed on time you have school tomorrow.'

"Guess it'll just be us for dinner. My dad had to go to work." With that said we say ours thanks and begin to eat. After finishing and cleaning up we went upstairs to my room.

"What do you want to do?" I ask, not really caring what we do. We end up playing some video games before just chatting and soon Izuku had to go home. We said our goodbyes before I went and got ready for bed. I shower and throw on some grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Exhausted I quickly get into bed and fall asleep.

~Timeskip to 2am~

A bang from downstairs wakes me up. I check the time and realize it is probably just my dad coming home from work. I try to fall back asleep but then a crashing noise could be heard throughout the house. I get out of bed slowly and open my door. None of the lights are on that's weird. "Dad? Are you ok?" I call out. Something doesn't sit right with me. It's too quiet, eerily so. I got no response so I am quick to assume that someone must've broken in and Dad is not home yet. I silently close my bedroom door and panic a little in my head. What do I do? If I just stay in here will they just go away? No, I have to contact someone and then just maybe—

Loud footsteps snap me out of my thoughts. They're coming upstairs. Not good. Not good. I glance around my room for something, anything to use. My eyes land on the scarf Dad had given when I was little because I said I want to look like him. I grab it and throw it around my neck haphazardly. Luckily when he got it for me it was way too big, now it fit perfectly and looked just like his. I stop admiring myself in my mirror and hide myself behind my door just in case it opened. With my phone out I quickly text Dad only to hear the notification go off in the next room over. Just great he left his phone at home. The pair of footsteps go past my door and towards where the notification was heard. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in before texting my class group chat that we literally made after school yesterday. At least if I die everyone I met at school will know.

Class 1A Chat

Y/n - Guys I think my house was broken into and I'm home alone what should I do?!
Sent at 2:13am

Sleepy Boi😴💜 - Shouldn't you call the police? Isn't that the most reasonable thing to do?
Sent at 2:14am

Y/n - But if I do then they'll hear me! They are literally in the room next to mine!
Sent at 2:14am

Multiple people are typing 💬

Suddenly my phone shuts off. Nonononono. I hold the power button attempting to turn it back on but it's dead. Now what? I don't remember any of my encounters with villains. My brain has literally blocked off all memories that I have of villain encounters because it causes me to have panic attacks. I don't know that this is even a villain it could just be some random person who broke into my house. A house that happens to not have its hero owner in it. What's the probability that a random person wouldn't stalk the house they were going to break into and make sure that there wasn't a hero living in it? Just stay calm Y/n. No panic attacks today.

I nearly scream as my door bursts open and someone walks in. They don't seem to notice me as my body shakes behind the now open door. I work up the nerve to take a peek at who ever was in my house and freeze. No it can't be. This guy should've been locked behind bars right now. He turns and looks straight at me, his red eyes iridescent in the moonlight coming through the window. My mind is screaming at me to run but my body is frozen in fear as his eyes seem to pierce my soul. This can't be happening right now! I grab onto my scarf around my neck and make it float just like Dad's, trying my best to put on a strong front. He's not going to hurt you like last time. I was just a kid then, now I know how to fight back. I try to build up my resolve knowing that I'm a lot stronger now but the memories slowly come pouring through the small passage seeing him had cracked open.

Memories of how I got the big scars on my torso and how I was treated before I was saved by Aizawa. Nothing could stop the panic that starts to fill my mind at the thought of getting captured by him again. My hands start to shake as I grip the scarf tighter as the man slowly moves towards me.

"Stop. Don't-don't come any closer." I say shakily. He ignores me and continues walking until he's towering over me just inches away. "My my what do we have here? You sure have grown up haven't you and yet you're still so weak. I came here looking for revenge but I guess I found a better prize." He says while creepily checking me out. No not again he's not taking me to that shithole again.

With the nerve worked up I kick him in the groin and knee him in the side of the head. He falls over and I quickly run out of my room and down the stairs to the front door. I rush out of the house before climbing up the nearest and tallest building. Once at the top I wrap the scarf firmly around myself and huddle into the corner where I'd be hidden in the shadows. After a few minutes of silence I finally breakdown. I sob quietly into my arms as my whole body shakes and I hyperventilate and slowly lose feeling in my appendages. I try my hardest to calm down knowing it'd be best not to pass out on the rooftop but nothing I tell myself works. The memories I had coped with by burying them into my consciousness were all resurfacing each one bringing more fear and pain than the last. My sides start to hurt and I experience some sort of phantom pain where my scars are. Whether it's all mental or not doesn't mean it hurts any less. I cry out and in that moment I hear sirens getting closer. 'Please help me.' Is what I wanted to scream out to them. Before I knew it the loud sirens had stopped but the flashing lights could still be seen. I get up a bit to peer over the edge to realize they had stopped in front of my house.

Someone had called the cops. Someone had tried to help. Dad works with the police maybe he is on his way over too. I curl back up into a ball still shaking but not full on crying anymore. I feel sick and don't want to move from this spot knowing that here was safe for now. Footsteps make their way to my ears as well as laboured breathing and I don't move hoping that whoever it is doesn't see me. The person seems to get closer and closer to the building I'm on. In fact they seem to be jumping from building to building. I'm only a few buildings away from my house but I'm high enough that I can't hear anyone on the ground. The footsteps disappear so I assume they went to the ground. A minute or two pass before I hear my name get called. I let out a small sob in relief that Dad was ok and he was here and he was going to find me. It took a few seconds before Aizawa was in front of me crouched down and hugging me whispering to me that everything was going to be ok.

He picks me up still hugging me with my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Holding on as if my life depended on it. Right now he was my only anchor to the present without him my mind would drift into the past and I'd go into another full on panic attack. He brings us down to the ground and starts to talk to the police before they leave and say they'll contact us tomorrow. I feel myself slowly drift off to sleep in Aizawa's arms. "You know you aren't that light anymore kiddo." He says with a small chuckle. He walks up the stairs to my room and goes in before abruptly walking back out and closing the door.

"I have a hunch you aren't going to be able to sleep alone so I guess you can sleep in my bed." He tries to place me down on it but I refuse to let go of him. Every fibre of my being is telling me if I let go that I'll die right now. "You've got to let go kid. I'm not going anywhere but I do need to change. Nothing is going to happen to you I promise." Slowly Aizawa pries me off of him before tucking me under the blankets. My mind and body feel numb as if I'm not really here. I stare blankly at the ceiling with tears streaming down the sides of my face landing uncomfortably inside of my ears. I shift to my side and hold the blankets close trying to ground myself to something. Please let this all be some horrible dream that I wake up from in the morning.
Aizawa climbs into bed on the opposite side and I subconsciously move closer to him to the point where I'm practically laying on him before falling asleep my face all red and puffy.

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