Chapter 6

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Midoriya's POV

I am so confused right now. My mom looks as if she's going to breakdown in front me all because of Y/n. What did he do? Who is this guy who made my mom cry for seemingly no reason? Why does she supposedly already know who he is?

"Mom are you alright?" I ask worriedly knowing she came first before all of my questions that were floating in my head. She nods and gives me a genuine smile, one I haven't seen on her in years. I look up towards Y/n and realize he also has tears gleaming in his eyes. He keeps mumbling to himself something about finding them.

"What's going on? I'm so lost right now." I say out in the open air, not sure if I should be happy like they are. "Let's go inside Izuku and I'll explain what's happening...Come on, Y/n." She gestures for him to come and he follows us inside our small apartment.

Y/n's POV

My hands shake as I sit in their living room with them. I found them. I have a family, a real one. It is clear that Midoriya has no idea what's going on. I hope they except me into their family.

"I'll be straightforward to start and answer questions you have after." Mrs. Midoriya says. "Izuku this is your twin brother Y/n who happened to be taken from me when your father left." Facing me she embraced me and whispered, "I'm so glad that you're okay and have grown up to be so strong. I hope you will make yourself at home here with us but now that you're older I won't force you to." My thoughts went back to Aizawa and all he has done for me. Do I want to leave that life behind? He raised me for over half my life am I just going to throw that away for blood family?

The shock was evident on Izuku's face. "I-I have a brother?" He whispered with tears forming. "Why didn't you tell me mom?"

"Had I known for sure that he was still alive and well I would've but I didn't know and I couldn't put you through that." She was worried about me? This whole time? Probably ever since that day I ran into her.

"Sorry Izuku I just...I should've told you who I was from the start. I just heard your last name and I didn't know what to do. Dad never told me I had a brother either. So if we could have a fresh start, I'm Y/n Midoriya."

"So Aizawa isn't your dad?" I shrug and respond with, "Technically no. But he took me in when I was six so he's my dad according to me."

"What happened to our father then?" Izuku asks.

"I-I don't know...he just disappeared one night and when I went out to search for him, being the ambitious six year old I was, I just got into trouble and Eraserhead rescued me."

"Wait, mom who's older?" Izuku asks curiously. Does it really matter? Like wouldn't we be minutes apart? "Umm...I'm fairly certain that Y/n is older." I watch as Izuku slumps a little in his seat and mumbles 'I guess that makes sense I mean he did get a quirk.' "And you didn't?" I ask a bit confused why he would say that.

Izuku sputters as he tries to come up with an excuse to cover his mistake. "I do have a quirk it's just not very useful right now. You saw how destroyed my body was because of it. You wouldn't believe that I didn't have one I mean you saw me use it at the exam."

"Look I know we technically just met but I'm really glad that I finally have a sibling and I hope you know that since I'm the big brother in this situation that I'll protect you as best I can. I hope you can trust me enough to do that and maybe let me in on all your know if you want to anyway no pressure." Our mom looks at me fondly. Guess we both got the mumbling and rambling from Dad not that he would know that.

I quickly shoot Aizawa a text about everything and how I still think it'd be best if I stayed with him since I know him better but that I won't be home for dinner since they invited to me to stay. Aizawa's reply is just a grinning emoji and a thumbs up but I knew he was probably in bed crying because of the thought of his child leaving him since he's a big softie.

After dinner Izuku and I talked for a bit before I decided it'd be best if I leave so that he can rest. His eyes are drooping closed while we say our goodbyes and I thank both of them for everything and gave my number to Izuku to contact me.

I quickly make my way home an elated smile on my face. I accidentally took a wrong turn because I was distracted with my thoughts and as I look around I realize that I don't know where I am. I pull out my phone and realize it's dead. Great just great. It's dark out and I'm lost. It's late so people are probably sleeping and I don't want to go knocking on strangers' doors at this time of night. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to nothing. "Who's there?" I ask confidently. What is up with me and getting lost at night like seriously I'm gonna die one of these times.

I walk towards where I heard the sound. I turn to look into the alley way that I suspected they were in but saw nothing. I look around cautiously with my back to the wall of the building. Something is off I can feel it. I look up to the top of the building and see a dark silhouette. Unable to make out a distinct figure from this distance I started to float the nearest objects to me. So all I have to fight with is two flower pots and a tin can just great I'm almost definitely going to die here, assuming whoever this guy is is out to get me.

Before I could even react white fabric wraps around my waist and my objects of defense fall to the ground, but not because I lose focus. I'm pulled harshly and quickly up to the rooftop and I hiss at the impact and whiplash. "Are you fricking kidding me right now? Dad seriously what was that for?" I groan out as the capture weapon releases me. He looks over my body and shrugs. "I was bored and you looked lost." I glared at him.

"Don't you have better things to do when on patrol? Like not stalk your son and make him think someone is trying to kill him?" He just looks around before hopping to the next roof and then the next.

"Wait! I still don't know how to get home from here." He stops in his tracks and nods his head to follow him. Isn't this just the best thing to do when you're exhausted. Parkour from building to building. Luckily I managed to make it home in one piece. I collapse onto my bed soon after.

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