Chapter 13

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Y/n's POV

We arrived at my house without incident which to me seemed like it was just the calm before the storm. The likelihood of anything happening tonight is low since there is more people here and because my dad knows that he knows where we live. Still I couldn't help but worry.

We prepare supper together and soon eat our dinner around the dining room table. It's a quiet meal but it wasn't a good quiet more like the tension in the room it getting more and more noticeable. It's as if my nerves were airborne and causing everyone else to feel tense.

"There's something bothering you Y/n. You know you can just tell us right?" Hitoshi says. He's known me a lot longer than Izuku and therefore is like the brother I never had, well until recently. We share everything and he knows everything about me even more than I might know about myself. I nod my head slightly not wanting him to force an answer out of me which he usually does if he believes it's for my benefit. "It's none of your concern." I say gazing at him a bit harshly.

"Why don't we do something to pass the time? Like play a game or something?" Izuku asks trying his best to lighten the mood. "Ok what do you want to play?" I reply.

"What about two truths and a lie or never have I ever?" He suggests. I contemplate his decisions wondering if he was plotting something stupid through a game before making my decision. "Never have I ever sounds good to me." And so Hitoshi, Izuku and I play multiple rounds before deciding it was time to clean up and go to bed.

I realize now that my room is still taped off and I still have no idea why. While they grab the spare mats to sleep on from under the stairs I make my way upstairs to my room. I debate for a bit whether to go in or not before ultimately opening the door. I stop in the doorway with the door wide open. The place has been completely trashed and my eyes get glued to the writing on the wall that stared at me like a death sentence. All I want to do in this moment is cry but that fear of being judged by the people I love is greater than the fear of what those words on the wall meant. I shut the door and lean back against it trying to get the image out of my mind. My hands shake a bit as I bring them up to my face. I take a deep breath before pushing off the door and heading downstairs. I grab some clothes from the dryer and change into them before helping set up the mats in the living room. I grab lots of blankets and pillows from the linen closet before settling down on the mat.

I lie there for what seems like an eternity unable to fall asleep. Izuku's soft snores are all that I hear as I stare up blankly at the ceiling. "Can't sleep?" Hitoshi whispers. I shuffle under the blankets to face him. I'm not surprised that he's still awake since he suffers from insomnia and definitely didn't bring his medication for it with him. "I'm scared that if I fall asleep that I won't be able to wake up..." He hums before he responds, "That's a new fear for you. It used to be a wish, that I could relate to...What happened last night? I know a villain broke in but you seem unharmed and so does Aizawa."

"He was here...He wanted revenge but instead found me. I was so scared. Everything hurt and yet I wasn't injured. I had a bad panic attack. He's still out there and he still wants me...I don't want to seem weak in front of you or Izuku so I can't sleep because I'm almost certain that I'll wake up unable to breathe or move." The words came tumbling out one after the other and tears sting my eyes as my hands grasp onto my blankets tightly. I hear the rustle of blankets before warmth engulfs me. During my short outburst of emotion I had woken Izuku and even though he didn't really know what was going on he still knew I needed comfort. He holds me in his arms which helps me calm down a little bit enough that I soon fall asleep.

~Timeskip to 7am~

Midoriya's POV

Shinso and I had already been up for a while, although I'm not sure if he got any sleep at all. All the mats and blankets were put away except for the ones Y/n's using. Shinso is currently making breakfast as I sit on my phone in the living room. A strange noise causes me to lift my eyes from my phone screen. Y/n's breath came is short gasps and I felt the panic rise up in me. "Y/n!" I quickly move next to his still limp body but hesitate to doing anything. What am I supposed to do when someone is having a... nightmare? night terror? panic attack? sleep paralysis? Heck I don't even know what's happening. Tears prick my eyes because of the feeling of helplessness. "Help! I need help!" I yell out a bit desperately. Shinso comes rushing into the room and takes one look at Y/n before something like realization crosses his face. He moves to be on the other side of him, muttering, "He said this would happen. Think, think, think."

"Aizawa is usually the one to bring him out of this state but he usually uses physical contact as the first step then talks to him and gets him to slow down his breathing. He's in a state of panic and paralysis so he can feel what's going on but is too panicked to focus on words." As Shinso explained what is happening to Y/n I try my best to calm myself. What is physical contact? A hug? But if he's lying down I don't want to crush him that would make things worse. I start to lift his limp body into a sitting position before holding him tightly but not too tight. I rub his back comfortingly and talk to him saying that everything is going to be ok and that we are here for him. I take deep breaths trying to slow down my own panicked breathing hoping he'll do the same. Tears stream down his face and soak my shirt before his hands clutch onto my shirt and a sob comes out of his throat. He buries his face in my chest as sobs wrack his body. I look over to Shinso with a look of 'What do I do now?' but all he does is shrug.

"Hey Y/n do you want to talk about it?" I ask softly after the crying had become no more than sniffles. He shakes his head hesitantly before changing it to a nod. He pulls away and sits cross-legged before pulling the blanket around his shoulders like a cape. "Dad said I can't keep suppressing my emotions so I guess I have to start to talk about it." He sighs before he starts to fidget with the edge of the blanket. "I didn't want you guys to see me like this...mind you that wasn't the worst panic attack I've ever gotten. The worst one was when I was much younger and I passed out and ended up in the hospital because right before passing out all the small objects in the room came hurtling towards me. They suspect that the feeling I had of being crushed was translated into almost actually being crushed through my quirk. Luckily I was still little so I couldn't move bigger objects and I got away with a broken bone or two. After that I started to suppress things like memories or anything else that could cause me to go into a panic attack. Suppressing emotions came next and I felt worthless like no one cared about me. My real dad had abandoned me and Aizawa was always out on duty so I was constantly left alone with only dark thoughts haunting me. I gave in to the voices in my head telling me that I needed to die and that I should've died when I was six. Cutting myself was as far as I could bring myself to ending it all. But Aizawa took notice of my strange behaviour when he would train with me and soon I felt so guilty that I told him. I've been clean ever since. Mind you Dad doesn't let me keep anything sharp in my room anymore. So that brings us to what happened last night. The villain Blaze escaped and came here for revenge against Aizawa since he's the one who locked him away. But Dad wasn't home and I was and he so happens to be the same guy who kidnapped me when I was six. Long story short I attacked him and ran away when he was down and proceeded to have a panic attack on a nearby roof. Dad found me before I passed out and I slept with him close that night. I woke up just like I did this morning, which is not fun by the way. This time I think it was for a different reason though. Yesterday it was because all my suppressed memories came back. But today I think it's because I know he's going to come back and try and get me." I watch as takes a deep breath. He had said a lot and slowly everything was starting to make sense to me.

"How do you know he'll come back?" I ask letting curiosity get the better of me. "I looked into my room which I'm not supposed to do cause it's been blocked off by police tape. You could go have a look if you want to know." I nod and take his word for it.

Y/n's POV

"Where is Dad anyway? He would usually be ready to go to school by now..."

"He never came home last night." Shinso replies. I nod in acknowledgement before my eyes go wide.

"He's never late on a school night, ever. Something must've happened to him." We all share worried glances before my phone rings breaking the silence.

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