Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

Standing in front of the UA entrance I hesitate to go in. Will people ask questions? I don't want everyone to know... I hate being expected to answer things. All the nervousness that I should've had before coming to school quickly fills my body. Aizawa watches for a moment as I stood at the entrance before he pats my back and says, "I'll talk to the class and staff so they don't ask questions, okay?"

I nod in response before walking inside to my class room. I sit at the back corner with my head down on my desk so that if anyone comes in they will be less likely to bother me. I hear people come in one by one and even though they aren't asking me anything I can hear their whispers to each other about me.  No one knows what happened and all they can do is guess but no one would get close. Who would assume that I was attacked by the same villain who kidnapped me as a child and it caused me to have a mental breakdown? With that in mind I relax a bit. If anyone were to ask me something I don't want to talk about then I can just say that.

"Hey are you alright? I heard a bit of what happened on the news this morning." Izuku asks softly. He doesn't know the full depth of what I went through while I was captured because I didn't really remember myself. He doesn't know the panic attacks I have because of it but he does know I was captured as a kid and that would be enough to be worried.

"I'm okay right now." I say looking up at him knowing I might not be okay later. He pulls me into a hug that I did not expect. "You look like you didn't get any sleep." I hug him back after a moment of shock, a slight smile on my face. "Probably because I barely got any..." A small chuckle leaves my mouth but it is not humorous. We both pull away from the hug as class starts.

My head throbs as All Might loudly walks into the class. He tells us to get our costumes on and meet him at Ground Beta. I get up to grab my case once everyone has mostly left the room with theirs. Once in the change rooms I change in the corner using the cloak of my costume as a room divider so no one can see me change. I get into the slightly armoured black bodysuit, it being surprisingly comfortable. I then pull on my boots and gloves before I grab the chain that was fashioned in such a way it wraps around my waist three times before connecting with a easy button I can release without a second thought. I put on my mask and visor before moving the cloak over my shoulders and pulling the hood on.

I walk over to Ground Beta feeling confident in my hero costume. It would be hard for anyone to recognize me in this get up since most of my face is either covered or in the shadow on my cloak. Even after getting out late I still arrived before most of the girls did. Luckily no one talked to me during that time besides a few comments on my costume. All Might explains the training exercise and it actually sounds like fun so I get a bit excited hoping I get paired with someone good. After drawing a letter I realize I got paired with Izuku which is great. What isn't great, however, is that fact we are put up against Bakugo and Iida. Iida would be fine it was more Bakugo that I'm worried about since he doesn't seem to have a filter on that mouth of his. I mean if he triggers me that's his own fault at that point.

The match starts and I talk with Izuku as we make our way down the halls of the building. With our guard up we are not surprised when Bakugo comes running toward us. I however am surprised when he goes pass me to aim at Izuku. Words tumble out of his mouth some of which make no sense to me but I hated seeing my brother get hurt. All the tension that had been building up from this morning seems to come to a peak. "Bakugo! If you want to fight someone than fight me!" He throws an insult at me before continuing to fight Izuku which pisses me off even more. Before anyone could see what happened the tape we needed to wrap the 'villains' in was around his body and conveniently over his mouth as well.

The look of relief on Izuku's face is all I needed to calm myself before we head off to look for Iida and the weapon. Once we found Iida it was quite clear how simple it would be to capture the weapon. I know Iida is smart but removing all objects from the room except for the weapon would not increase his chances of winning. Apparently I spoke too soon as Bakugo came crashing in regardless of the fact he should already be out since we captured him. There wasn't much I could do but dodge explosions until Izuku tackled him and they both went through the floor.

"Well Iida I guess it's just you and me now. So tell me what was your plan if this happened?" I laugh after his explanation. "Clearly you don't know the extent of my quirk. How do you expect to keep the weapon away from me if you can't even move it yourself?" I hold the weapon in place with telekinesis and move towards it. Iida tries his hardest to move it before realizing it is futile. He then charges at me to keep me away from it but I just hold in him place as well. Just as I'm about to touch the weapon and claim our victory the entire floor breaks apart. I am quick to hold myself in the air as well and I look up to see the entire building has been blasted through. What the heck were you thinking Izuku? I quickly pull the weapon towards me and touch it before placing it on the part of floor that is solid. I move Iida to safety as well before moving through the hole in the floor, down to where Izuku is. It was announced that we had won already and Izuku looked to be unconscious with Bakugo nowhere to be seen.

I quickly move and pick up his body, careful of his clearly broken arm, before bringing him to Recovery Girl. I join the rest of the class as they went over what happened and how both Bakugo and Midoriya had failed the point of the exercise. And how Bakugo should've stayed down once he was tied up. I got lost in my thoughts before a calm monotone voice came into my ear. "Are you alright?" Todoroki asks as he glances down at me. No not just at me at my stomach. I look down and see that my costume had been burnt in one spot which so happened to be where one of my largest scars are. I cover myself with my cloak before looking back at Todoroki. He seems to have an empathetic gleam in his eyes. "I'm fine. It is not something I usually let people know about me."

He nods before saying, "I get that. I'm not proud of my scar either but it's not really something I can hide."

"What's it from?" I ask without thinking. "Sorry I shouldn't have asked it's personal." I apologize as the look of hatred fills his eyes. I quickly realize it's not hatred directed at me but at who did this to him. "It's fine. My mom poured boiling water on my face because it reminded her too much of my father and I hate him for it. It's why I only use ice and not fire because it's his quirk." I look at him a bit confused with his reasoning.

"But it's your quirk. You have both ice and fire making it one of the best quirks out there. You'll never overheat or get frostbite. You have no drawbacks because of both sides of your quirk. If you think that not using part of your own quirk will benefit you in the end it won't. There will be times when ice doesn't cut it and then what? Are you just going to not do anything to help because that would mean using your fire?" Todoroki is taken aback by my adamancy. He seems to contemplate for a bit before randomly asking, "Are you and Midoriya related? You look quite similar and quite close." I raise my eyebrows in surprise and at the change in topic.

"Uhh ya we are. Why?" "Why aren't you a Midoriya then?" "It's a long story. But I guess I can shorten it. Our parents split when we were born and I went with my dad and my dad went missing when I was six so I was adopted by Aizawa. I didn't know I had other family until I met Izu-Midoriya at the entrance exam."

"I see. So if you don't mind me asking what is your scar from?" Do I want to tell him? What's the worst that could happen? He already shared his secret so it'd only be fair... "This particular scar is from a knife, I think, that or a villains quirk...I don't really remember all that well." I give him a nervous smile as I fidget with my cloak. All he does is nod before he leaves to go do his run of the exercise. The matches ended quickly after that and before I knew it the end of the school day had arrived.

After changing out of my costume I made my way to the front gates of the school. A bad feeling fills my gut and I stop in my tracks. I can't go home right now. Not alone. He's still out there so I'm still in danger. I can't protect myself from him, I'll just end up in his clutches again. My internal debate is cut short when Izuku and Hitoshi walk up on either side of me. "We'll walk you home. Aizawa Sensei said that we need to stay the night with you in order to make sure nothing happens cause he got called in right after school ended." Izuku says. I feel relieved but at the same time a bit scared. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep because now it's more than just my life on the line.

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