Chapter 27

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Aizawa's POV

There is nothing worse than the fear a parent feels when they can't find their child. Especially when said child has been kidnapped before and very well could be again. Luckily for me, I was able to figure out that Y/n never left campus and Hizashi was able to find footage of him getting shoved into a locker, though he wouldn't tell me by who since he knew I'd probably just expel them on the spot, no questions asked. And now here we are walking home at 11 pm, Y/n wrapped in my scarf and latched onto my back, fast asleep.

He was definitely more worn out than he was at the end of the sports fest but I can't really blame him. Small spaces were definitely the worst places to have him stuck considering the trauma that he's been pushing to the side over the past week. I'm almost certain he'll fall into a breakdown sooner or later just because something clicks or pushes him over the edge. When we arrive home we are quickly greeted by the black, not-so-small-anymore, kitten who seems pleased that Y/n is home. I change Y/n out of his uniform and tuck him into bed and watch as Lev curls up beside him to cuddle. A tiny smile is present on my face as I leave the door open with the light on in the hall.

I slowly make my way to my own bed and get changed as well as Hizashi pretends to read a book while he sits on the bed. "That book must not be very interesting," I mutter when I feel Hizashi's eyes roaming across my body as I undress.

"Looking at you tops any book, no matter how interesting, Sho." I roll my eyes at his cheesy words before crawling into bed. "You're still not going to tell me who shoved Y/n in a locker are you?" He simply shakes his head and leans in to kiss me. I evade his kiss and his embrace, turning away from him. "No distractions Hizashi. Tell me or you can sleep on the couch."

He pouts and gives a long sigh then says, "You have to promise not to do anything and just let Nezu handle it since it isn't your student and therefore you have no say in what the punishment will be." Tch it was my student who was harmed so I should have a say but I'll have to speak to Nezu about it not Hizashi. I'm not going to do anything to harm a kid anyways. "Fine. I promise."

Hizashi stares into my dead eyes for a bit before he decides I'm not lying and clears his throat. "It was a kid from the general course, Akito Kazama, quirk is 'Sound Absorption' which is exactly what it sounds like. He's currently in class 1-D. That's all I know. Haven't even heard of this guy before so you're in the dark about this as much as I am now."

I sigh as Hizashi decides he can now spoon me since he told me. Not that I mind really but I'm just upset that other students would hurt my kid when there is no evident reason. My best guess is it was done out of jealously and this kid was aiming for the hero course but his quirk didn't really have much of an effect against robots during the entrance exam. "Sleep Sho. You can worry about this tomorrow." I grumble a bit and shift so I'm facing him before I finally let myself sleep.


Is this what hell feels like? My head is pounding as if someone dropped a giant anvil on it and then proceeded to jump on it for good measure. My body doesn't want to get up today and luckily it's a Saturday so it doesn't have to, at least not yet. Why am I even alive right now? If I had just died all those years ago no one would've known about me enough to care if I was gone. I'm useless, I can't even protect myself, so how am I going to go out into the world and protect others?

I wrap the blanket around me a little tighter as I blankly stare at the ceiling. This wasn't the first time I've had thoughts about the world being better off without me, however, this time the thoughts just didn't want to go away. Usually I could just remind myself of the things I need to keep living for, like my family and friends who would blame themselves if I died or all the people I could save when I become a hero. This time those things didn't seem to work like they normally would. My throat feels tight and my eyes burn but no tears fall. "Tears should be saved for someone worth caring for." The pulsing in my head makes me feel nauseous and lifting it up feels like too hard of a task.

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