Chapter 2

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"Are you sure about this?" Aizawa asks as we pull up in front of Shinso's house. "He could ask something that triggers you more than you already are right now."

"I know dad but I need to figure out what's wrong with me." I say as I step out the car and walk to the front door. I knock and soon the door is opened by Aunt Mihoko. "Hi auntie is Hitoshi around I told him that we were coming to visit today." She lets us inside before calling Hitoshi down from his room.

"Hey Y/n is there a reason for your visit?" Hitoshi asks as we move to sit in the living room.

"There is ummm...I've been off lately with training and my quirk and I don't know why. Usually it's because something is on my mind but I don't know what it is this time and I was thinking you might be able to help." Hitoshi didn't seem surprised at my statement as his face remained neutral and yet I could see the slight glimmer of joy in his eyes at being asked to help someone. I know that Hitoshi's quirk has led to a lot of hate and rejection even though he is the most kind person I know and would never hurt anyone with his quirk and so when I put my trust in him I knew it meant a lot to him.

"So what do you want me to do then?" He asks.

What do I want him to do? Just ask me questions and get me to answer them? But they would need to be pretty specific if that was going to work... I fidget with my hands before looking up at him. "Whatever you think can help I guess." And just like that I felt my body go rigid and my fingers stopped fidgeting. I could still see and think but I no longer had control of my body. My surroundings feel dampered like I was hearing everything underwater. I could see Hitoshi and Aizawa in front of me and their lips moved. Their expressions changed after I said something. They looked confused with a hint of worry.

What did I say? What's wrong with me? What was in my subconscious that got that kind of reaction out of them? Why can't I remember and hear what I'm saying to them? Suddenly I regain feeling in my body and sounds return around me. I shake my head before looking at them. "What did I say?" I ask hesitantly knowing that whatever it was wasn't good.

They share a look before telling me. "You said that you were just stressed since UA entrance exams are coming up." I have a gut feeling that that isn't all that I said but as I stare into my father's eyes I know they won't tell me, at least not right now.

"But I already knew that. There has to be something you're not telling me." They shake their heads and I sigh before rubbing my hands over my face. I guess I'll just have to get dad to tell me when we get home.


"Why won't you tell me what's wrong with me!" I yell out of frustration. It's been an hour since we got home and he still won't budge on the topic. My eyes start to sting as my nails dig into my palms. "I'm never going to get into UA like just want me to fail the exam so you don't have to teach someone as worthless as me. You're the worst dad ever!" I shout before my hands move out of anger. Aizawa's eyes widen at my last statement before they glow red. Objects drop to the floor in front of him, objects that I hadn't realized I had moved to hit him. Aizawa was quick to move toward me and hug my shaking figure. I sobbed into his chest and held him tightly.

"I didn't- I didn't mean that." I mumble. He simply ruffles my hair and responds, "I know." I feel myself slowly drift off to sleep in my dad's arms and vaguely feel myself being tucked into my bed.

~Dream/Old memory~

"Daddy? Dad? Where are you?" I yell into the cold night air. I was done sitting around, dad was missing, something must have happened to him he wouldn't have left me right?

I bump into a woman who to me is just a blur because of the tears in my eyes. "Are you alright?" She asks before gasping when she looks at my face. "You look so much like him..." she mumbles. "Is your name Midoriya?"

My mind floods with panic at this random woman knowing my name. I quickly back away from her. Daddy never told anyone about me because he said it was too dangerous. Always told me people would be out to hurt me if they knew I was his son. Before I could think anything through I turn and run away from the lady who just called out to me but did not follow me. I look back to see a boy standing next to the woman clinging to her skirt. All I can see is their matching green hair. That was the last I saw of them before I stumbled into the wrong alley.

Strangers grab me harshly and I scream before being hit in the head.

I wake up breathing heavily. My dad rushes in and was quick to ask what happened.  "It was just a dream I'm fine." I say rubbing my face with my hands. "Are you sure? Sounded more like a nightmare to me, you did scream..." I shake my head before wondering if it was actually a dream or a memory. "Would it be possible to... ummm find out who my mom is?"

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