Chapter 3

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Aizawa's POV

I knew it would only be a matter of time before he would want to look for his actual family but I didn't think it would be this soon. Couldn't he have waited until he was finished school or something.

I sigh before looking him in the eye. "Is there a reason you want to know all of the sudden?"

He looks down at his hands before saying, "I think I might have run into her the night I got captured and there was a boy with her who looked like her son." I could tell that this is what has being bothering him from his subconscious. He thinks he might have a brother.

"I'll help you to find your mother if you want but that means that I'll be the one looking and you have to stay here and train. Your main objective should still be to pass the UA entrance exam. If I haven't found her by the time you pass then you can help. Deal?"

Y/n's POV

"Deal." I respond before shaking his outstretched hand. I get up and start to get ready for the day knowing I'll have to try my best to stay focused.

As the days progress I slowly get a good handle on my quirk so I start designing my hero suit that I'll need to submit to UA. I'm not sure what the best weapon would be for me since I can control things with my mind but then I remembered watching an anime in which one of the characters controls chains as their weapon and thought that that would be a cool thing to have.


Today is the day of the entrance exam and I can't help but feel nervous. Looking at myself in the mirror I can't help wonder if my real dad would be proud of me now and if my mom even remembers that I still exist. I know that I look more like my father but that's only because that's all I was ever able to compare myself to. A knock on my bedroom door brings me out of my thoughts. "Better hurry up or you'll be late." I check the time and realize I have five minutes before I need to leave if I want to make it to the exam on time.

I straighten out my outfit before running to the kitchen and quickly grabbing an apple from the counter as well as my phone and bag, before I run out the door to catch the train. I hop on the train and sit down before I start to fidget.

This is it this is my one and only chance of becoming a famous hero. Hopefully the test is easy and the practical is not too hard.

The train comes to a stop and I check the time. Just great I'm going to be late. I make a mad dash to the entrance and accidentally run into someone who seems to be in the same hurry I am. We both fall backwards and start to apologize profusely. I stand up first and lend him a hand up. When he looks up at me my body freezes up. He looks so familiar to me in fact he looks like me besides the hair and eye colour. "Do I know you from somewhere?" He asks with a nervous laugh.

I suddenly realize I was staring and look away awkwardly. "I don't- I don't think so..." I say as I shift my weight from foot to foot nervously. "Well ok then I'm Izuku Midoriya it's nice to meet you." He says as he gets up and brushes himself off. I freeze up again at his name. It can't be right he seems to be my age considering he's here for the entrance exam. Oh shit the entrance exam!

I check the time on my phone before panicking a little. "We're late for the exam!" I exclaim before rushing towards the front doors again with Midoriya in tow. As I burst into the room I am met with a lot of eyes staring at me from the dark seats of the assembly room. "Sorry sorry sorry." I say as I make my way to a seat trying not to make eye contact with Present Mic since I definitely did not want to be called out today.

After finishing the written exam in less than 15 minutes I sat in my seat contemplating my encounter with who I assume is my twin brother that I didn't know I had. I never thought I would have any family left after my dad disappeared but I guess I was wrong. The strangest part is he didn't seem to know or wonder about me. Maybe he was told by his mom that he never had another sibling or a father. Maybe he grew up thinking that our father had abandoned him. You'd think that when you meet someone who looks so similar to yourself that you would have some sort of reaction. I wonder what his quirk is since I know mine is mostly derived from his mother I'm assuming he got something to do with dad's quirk. Maybe he breathes fire like dad used to.

"Time is up please hand in your paper at the front desk and return to your seats." Present Mic said. Wow it's already been three hours. I guess time goes by fast when your stuck in your own mind.

"Now for the fun part of this entrance exam!"

Present Mic explains the rules and the points system as I search the room with my eyes to see if I could recognize anyone else here who is taking the exam. I spot a head of purple fluffy hair and realize that Shinso is also here. This practical part of the exam seems so unfair now that I think about it. How is Shinso, a person with one of the best quirks, going to get points if he can't control robots. I cross my fingers in hopes that I get placed in the same testing ground as him at least then I could help him out a little.

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