Chapter 29

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Y/n's POV

It only took a few moments for Todoroki to get healed by Recovery Girl, unfortunately her quirk couldn't heal trauma, as much as I wished it did. This became quite apparent in the moments that followed. Todoroki got up from his seat and started heading for the door, a quiet thanks leaving his lips. Aizawa was quick to stand in front of the only exit before saying, "We have to have a talk before you can leave Todoroki." It's blatantly obvious that he wasn't injured at school especially considering the fact that the burn was on his right arm, his ice side.

Panic flashed across Todoroki's face for an instant before his regular stoic expression returned, which I now realize is probably his way to cope somehow. "You don't understand. I need to leave right now." His fists clenched at his sides as he looked towards the ground, like he's internally debating whether or not fighting his way out would be worth it.

"It was your father who hurt you wasn't it?" I said softly. When he tensed up a bit but otherwise stayed silent I continued, "And it's not just you you're worried about, your sister stills lives at home doesn't she?" The way his eyes glazed over a bit and the way he was now trembling was confirmation enough, especially for Aizawa who knows by now the signs of abuse.

"I've made up my mind." Aizawa said and Todoroki looked up with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Todoroki I'm going to be enacting the 'emergency care protocol' and you will be immediately placed under my guardianship until matters can be resolved. I'll have Nezu along with several of the best detectives I know start up a case against Endeavour for abuse and whatever else they can dig up on him. In other words you will not be leaving, at least not to go home or anywhere with Endeavour." Todoroki seemed to be in shock as if he didn't believe this was happening and after a few moments a few tears leaked down his face.

"But Fuyumi...she's-she's..." Aizawa made his way over to him and instinctively hugged him and the dam fully broke after that even though Todoroki didn't seemed all that pleased as he, instead of hugging back, was pounding his fists against Aizawa's chest. "Your sister is old enough to move out if she wanted to and I bet she will as soon as this is brought to light. If I had to take a guess the only reason she stayed was because of you." The pounding stopped after that and the sobbing slowly quieted into sniffles.

Aizawa made eye contact with me before his gaze moved to my bruised arms in an unspoken question. I simply nodded and made my way over to Recovery Girl and asked her to heal my arms. A quick couple of kisses later and I no longer had any physical injuries. Now, at least my body was ready to help in whatever way I can with whatever Todoroki needed. "How about you two get home and start the set up for movie night while I have a quick talk with Nezu."

And just like that, Todoroki and I were walking home together. The walk was quiet and almost peaceful, that was until Todoroki's phone started to ring. Based on the fact that Todoroki tensed up and his breathing became shallow, I could only assume that it was Endeavour who was calling. So I did what any good friend would do and took the phone from his firm grip before answering it. What I did not expect was the loud 'SHHOOOTTTOOO' that came from it which caused Todoroki to flinch. 'Hello this is Aizawa Y/n speaking what can I help you with?' The line was silent for a few moments, and considering I had just cut off a long list of threats that were coming from the speaker, my guess was that Endeavour was just a little shocked.

'Where is my son.' The voice was cold and demanding to which I just let out a small laugh.

'As of right now Todoroki Shoto is currently under the emergency care of Eraserhead which I'm sure you will hear about in just a few moments when the police show up with some warrants. I kindly ask that you don't call this number again because Shoto is no longer your son Endeavour. Bye bye now.' I hang up before Endeavour has the chance to speak before blocking his number and handing Todoroki his phone back. Todoroki stared at me in astonishment as he stood there unmoving.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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