Liam Payne (Clean, Short)

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Chrismas is coming yaaaaay ! <3

It was that time of year again; the leaves falling of the trees, the weather getting colder and the days getting that much longer. This also meant its getting closer to the time that Liam has to go for a few concerts. I always hated saying goodbye, I was never good at them. I’d either come across like some emotional wreck or some unemotional person.

I was just walking around in the park, the thin layer of snow that had gathered up on the ground looked like something out of a movie. “19 days”. I said to myself, mentally preparing for the time when my Liam left. He doesn’t even get to stay for New Years. I think that’s what upsets me the most, I won’t get to start a new year with my boyfriend, and the fact that we’ll be celebrating at different times. When it’s 2013 here, it will still be 2012 there.

I sat on the bench waiting Liam’s arrival. We always meet up at this bench, it’s somewhat of a symbol of our relationship. “Freezing out isn’t it babe?” Liam shoved the sparkling snow off the bench with his gloved hands and sat down beside me. “Yeah, I guess so.” I shrugged, I hadn’t really been thinking of the cold. “What are you think about?” Liam turned and asked me. I took a deep sigh and watched my breath disappear before I spoke. “You. Going away.

We don’t even get New Years together. You had to fight to get Christmas, it’s just hard I guess. You being in a different country, a different time zone and not being surrounded by your family.” I weakly smiled at him when he put his arms around me and pulled me close. “You see , this is why I wanted to meet up with you today. To talk about me going.” I nodded in response. “I, well Zayn, Harry and Louis as well were talking to management.” My heart started pounding. Is he saying what I think he’s saying? “They said that you can come over for New Years! Since we’re not working from the 29th until the 2nd, you can stay until then! Isn’t that great?! I get to spend so much time with you babe! It’s amazing. Are you happy? What do you think?”

I nearly bounced out of his arms with excitement. “Oh my god? Seriously Liam? This is amazing, I mean it’s not home but it’s with you and that’s all that matters. Come on!” I get up and grab his hand. “I need to tell people! I only have a few weeks to decide what I’ll bring!” I smiled, watching Liam laugh at me. “What?!” I asked, knowing it must be something. “Nothing, it’s just so cute how excited you are.” He laughed before putting his arms around me and pulling me in for a kiss.