Harry Styles (Dirty,Long.)

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You were in the kitchen cooking dinner for Harry. He was due home any second. You turned on the stove to boil the noodles just as you heard Harry open the door. “Babe?” He called. “I’m in the kitchen.” You answered. He immediately burst in the kitchen and started kissing you. You felt him reach behind you and turn off the stove. He then place you on the counter and stood between you spread legs. “Feel what you did to me.” He said placing your hand on his large boner. You smiled and started rubbing your hand up and down. “I’ve been like this all day.” He said just as you started to unbutton his pants and slide them down his legs. Then he reached over to pull down your knickers from under your skirt. He smirked and leaned closer to whisper in your ear. “Your not wearing any?” He whispered before circling his thumb on your clit. Then he started pumping a finger in you slowly. You thrusted your hips to his finger for more but then he pulled it out. “Beg.” He said before pulling off your shirt and unclasping your bra. He gripped your breast and swirled his tongue over your hard nipples. You moaned as he bit onto your right breast, massaging your neglected breast with his hand. Then he stopped and looked you in the eyes. “Do you not want them?” He asked while thrusting 2 fingers in you. You didn’t answer. You just moaned. “Do you?” He asked slowing down even more. You nodded quickly, thrusting your hips again to get more. “Please.” You begged quietly. “What?” He asked raising his eyebrows with a small smirk. “H-Harry. I need you. N-now.” You said as he pumped 3 fingers in you quickly. Moments later he removed his fingers from your soaked area. You practically ripped his boxers off, seeing his hard on slap up to his abs. You bit your lip while placing one finger on top and slowly rubbed up and down. “Babe .Babe….please. No teasing.” Harry moaned. You looked at him innocently. “But you teased me.” You said. Harry smirked and kissed you. Without warning Harry pushed into you. You gasped, arching your back. Gripping onto the sheets with one hand and with the other you held onto Harry’s shoulder.”Harder…..faster.” You moaned, feeling him go even deeper and faster than he already was. You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him in deeper. He leaned forward placing his hands on the counter for support. He then kissed you and then that led to love bites, anywhere he could, all while you moaned. “Babe, I-I’m going…..to cum.” Harry managed to let out. His fast thrust starting to get sloppy. “Me too.” You groaned. You felt your walls clench and you felt his cum shoot deep inside you. “Harry.” You breathed out as Harry leaned on you. You sat there for a while before Harry leaned forward and placed a small kiss on your lips. “Babe?” he said. “Yeah?” You said getting off of the counter. “You better get back to cooking. I’m starved.” And with that he smacked you on your bum and left the kitchen, grabbing his clothes with him. You chuckled and got yourself dressed before continuing to cook dinner.