Liam Payne (Clean,Long)

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It's your birthday.You're sitting behind your laptop again. You spend all your time sitting behind your laptop, tweeting with the 1D Family and trying to get noticed by the lads. You've been trying for ages to get noticed by them but still nothing… Your friends surprised you earlier this day at school, they took some photos and sent them to you and you made one of them your icon for just this day. Your followers wish you a happy birthday and you retweeted them. When you check your interactions again you suddenly see Liam's icon between your interactions, you see that Liam follows you. You're totally dying and jumping through the room of exciting. Then you see someone sent you a Direct Message. You click on it and see Liam again. He says:

"Hi, I saw you're icon and read it's your birthday so Happy birthday!

But that's not it!

I would really like to get to know you better if you allow me to."

You totally can't believe what you just read. You answer him;

"Hi, Liam! Thanks! & I would absolutely love to!"

You talk for some time and then he suddenly asks;

"What are you doing tomorrow night?"

"uhh.. Nothing I guess."

"Cause I would like to watch a movie at my place tomorrow night!"

"Liam, are you serious?"


"I would love to! What time?"

"I'll pick you up at 7 p.m. at you place if you give me your address now!"

You give him your address, then he says he has to go, you say goodbye. You can't believe what just happened, was this really Liam or was this just someone pretending to be Liam. You decide to check it out and you see it's really Liam Payne, it's a verified account. You read the conversation again, he really said all it of it and all on your birthday!

At night you totally can't sleep cause you're so nervous but also so excited about tomorrow.

The next morning you decide to call a friend cause you can't calm down at all. She takes you shopping for the day, you tell her you're going to watch a movie with some guy tonight but you don't tell her it's Liam cause you don't want her to freak out and you're sure she won't leave you alone if she knows. You're looking around for something to put on tonight cause you have no idea anymore. After some time you find a really cute dress in your favorite shop. Unfortunately it's getting late and you have to go home now if you wanna be at time, you just don't have shoes for the dress. You totally can't walk on high heels and you don't have flats or something but you want to wear that dress so bad that you decide to wear the dress with your converse, the color of your converse comes back in the dress so it won't look that bad. And then it's finally 7 p.m.! Someone knocks the door and you run downstairs to open it before your mum or someone else opens it.

"Woow [yn] you look beautiful! Even more beautiful than I though you would be!"

You blush.

"Thank you!"

You grab your coat and then go the car with Liam. He opens the door for you and let you get into the car, then he gets into the car on the other side, sitting on the driver seat.

"You're driving? I didn't know you already have your drivers licence!"

"I have it for a week or something now! You get to know a lot of us but now everything!"

You laugh. During the ride you just keep looking at him cause you really can't believe he sits next to you, even that it is him. After a while you arrive at his apartment. You walk in and he takes your coat from you and hang it up. You sit down on the couch as he gets something to drink for both of you. He comes back with the drinks and puts them on the table.