Niall Horan- More Than This (Clean,Short)

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You and Niall had been best friends since you born. Even though you didn’t want to admit it, you had fallen head over heels for Niall. You two were hanging out one day when Niall blurted out that he liked you a lot, you were taken back a little, but you were quick to say you felt the same way. You guys decided to try to date and see what happened, but always agreed that your friendship would come first. You started dating, it was practically the same, except for the hugging and occasional kissing. Everyone around you knew that you two were made for each other, you were both so carefree and inseperable. When Niall became famous it was hard, but you both worked through it and when you would get to see each other it only made the time you spent more special.

One night, when he was home from touring, Niall decided to take you out. You two went to the most incredible Italian restaurant and just talked about everything. Catching up on every detail that happened when you were away from each other. Hearing from him on the phone about all of his experiences wasn’t enough. After you were done eating, you two decided to go for a walk. You both heard music and Niall thought that it would be a good idea to go check it out. You walked over to the park to see that there was a little concert going on, a band was playing some music. It was then that you felt rain drops hitting your head. “Oh no! It’s starting to rain” You tell Niall, “Do you think we should go?” “No I have a better idea!” He smiled at you and pulled you close to him. You two started dancing in the rain, it was honestly the most romantic moment you had ever experienced. You rested your head on his chest while you slow danced. “I love you, Natallie.” You looked up to meet his eyes. “I love you too, Niall.” That was when you shared a kiss full of so much passion, one would never forget..

Hope you liked it :)