Harry Styles (Clean, Short)

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 “Rocks, paper, shoot!” You won with scissors. “I won, Styles! Which means you have to do the dishes!” “Best two out of three?” “No, I won so you have to do the dishes. That was the deal.” “But, I made dinner.” “No, I made most of the dinner and then you came home from work and kicked me out of the kitchen.” He laughed. “Okay I’ll do it, but only because I love you and next time you are doing the dishes.” You laughed giving him a kiss as he stood. “Whatever you say Haz.”

You followed him into the kitchen and sat on the counter as he washed the dishes. He shook his head. Not only did you make me do the dishes but you are just going to sit there and watch me.” You laughed and nodded your head.

You took your phone out and took a picture of Harry when he was wasn’t looking. You posted it on instagram with the caption, ‘Look at @harrystyles doing the dishes:)’ .

As you hit post you felt water hit you. You looked up to see Harry with the hose for the sink laughing. “You did not just do that!” “Yeah I think I did!” He smirked at you. You took off running for the backyard. When outside you grabbed one of the water guns you kept by the pool for when the boys came over. Harry was still chasing you and he had also grabbed a water gun. The two of you started squirting each other with the guns.

Yours ran out of water first. Before you could grab another Harry had you in his arms. He picked you up and jumped in the pool with you in his arms. Both of you were still fully clothed. When you came up he gave you a kiss. “I love you.” “I love you too Harry.”