Louis Tomlinson (Clean,Short)

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Let me know who you want more because i am going to do imagines of this person more than the others :) (I know, I know it's hard to decide).

It was snowing outside. You and Louis sat by the window of his cabin, watching snowflakes fall from the morning sky. Louis wrapped a blanket around you and cradled you in his arms, protecting you from the cold. You closed your eyes and let your head rest on his chest. He kissed your forehead gently, careful not to disturb you.

“What do you want to do today, love?” Louis whispered softly into your ear. You shifted and stared up into his mesmerizing eyes. You smiled and reached out to touch the soft stubble on his chin.

“You pick,” you grinned. Louis flashed his pearly white teeth. He got up, taking your hand and leading you to a room full of stacked boxes. He grabbed a white, dusty box labeled “Childhood” and led you back next to the window, one hand holding the box and the other with your hand, fingers entwined. As you sat back down, Louis opened up the box.

“I kept all my childhood memories in here. There’s movies, books, pictures, games, and some other things. I like to look through it every now and then. It’s very special to me. So I figured maybe you could join me this time?” Louis said, blushing. Your heart warmed and you bubbled with excitement. You nodded and Louis’ eyes gleamed with happiness. After looking through a few old home movies and board games in the box, you and Louis came across a picture. There was a cute short old lady with curly white hair locked in an embrace with a bald old man. They were smiling widely. You could see that there’s love in their eyes. Louis laughed. “Those are my grandparents. They met in high school, where they claimed that it was love at first sight. My grandparents were madly in love. No matter what, they could not keep their hands off each other.”

You looked up at Louis, eyebrows raised. “Louis? Do you think that maybe we can grow old together? Just like your grandparents?” you asked. His face softened. He smiled and extended his arm out to caress your face.

“We could have whatever you’d like. We’ll grow old together and we’ll have the love and passion like my grandparents. Maybe even stronger.” Louis beamed as he leaned in to kiss you.