Niall Horan (Clean,Short)

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I'm gonna do alot of clean and short imagnes about like 10 and after these one shots I am going to do 5 dirty and long imagines... Hope you like that one and keep voting guys (: Thanks

 Your P.O.V

I was walking around Zayn’s back garden not really sure why. I saw all the people jumping into his new pool and flirting with the boys, even the ones that have girlfriends. I finally saw Niall and my heart fluttered as I saw him. I waved but he didn’t see he was too busy talking to some girl. I tried to shake it off and went to talk to someone else.

I saw her before, she is always around the boys whenever they have parties but today her interest is on Niall, even though she knows Niall and I are together. “Hey.” Liam’s voice distracted my thoughts. “Oh.. Hey.” I smiled keeping my gaze on Niall. “Who is that girl again?” I asked him pointing my head in that direction. “Oh that’s Jennifer. She’s one of those girls who wants to be famous and thinks that going out with someone famous is the best way to do it.” I shook my head. “But don’t worry, Niall’s not that stupid.” Liam put his hand on my shoulder and smiled, my jealousy and worry must be written all over my face.

I gave him a weak smile and walked away. “What the hell??” I screamed just as I saw Jennifer leaning in to kiss Niall. I turned and ran into the house before anyone could see the tears streaming down my face. “_____!!” I heard Niall scream behind me. “_____!! Please wait!” I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. “_____.” I heard Niall’s body leaning against the door. “Open the door.” “N-no.” I barely spoke. “It’s not what it looks like. She leaned into me! I was just about to stop her when you saw us.” The tears were slowing down now. I just about opened the door when Niall bursted in.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him tight. “I’m so sorry. It’s not what it looked like ok? I promise.” I nodded against his chest. “Look at me _____.” I pushed myself off his chest and looked him in the eyes. “I promise this was a big misunderstanding. Ok? I love you so much. I don’t even like Jennifer we all know she’s a gold digger. I love you so much and please forgive and if you do I’ll never let anything like this to happen to you ever again.”

He kissed my forehead and I nodded trying to get my head to wrap around everything he had just said. “I love you too babe.” I smiled and kissed him. “Wanna go? We could get something to eat.” Niall asked me. “No we can stay.” I smiled and fixed my makeup. I walked out with Niall’s hand around my waist knowing that he’s mine and I’m his, forever.