One Direction (6some, Dirty, Long)

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Imagine you are going to go hang out with your 5 best friends today. Luckily your 5 best friends are the boys of One Direction. You were heading to Louis’ flat cause that’s where all the boys are. “Hey boys!” you happily shout as you enter Louis’ flat. “BABEE!!!!” all they boys yell as they tackle you into a group hug.

Once the boys got off of you, you asked “So what are going to do boys?”. We all thought about what we were going to do till Liam spoke up “Let’s watch a scary movie” we all nodded our heads in agreement. “How bout The Cabin In The Woods?” Harry suggested with a cheeky smile. You all agreed and Louis put the movie in. You were sitting on the couch between Zayn and Niall, Liam and Louis were on the love seat and Harry was on the chair.

After the movie finished you guys were all to scared to go to sleep. “How about we play some truth or dare” Louis suggested. To be honest you haven’t played truth or dare since you were 10, but what the heck right? You all agreed on that. “I’ll get some drinks” Niall said running into the kitchen then returning with 6 beers one for each of you. “So Zayn truth or dare?” you asked.

A couple hours and about 10 beers for you later you were crazy drunk, but the boys on the other hand were just a bit tipsy. “____ truth or dare?” Harry asked you with a slight slur in his voice. “Truth” you replied drunkly “hmmmmm” Harry thought “What’s your biggest fantasy?”.

Since you were totally wasted you had no shame when you answered “To have a 6-some, with you boys specifically” you giggled out the last part. “Well lets make that come true than, shall we?” Louis asked as the other boys exchanged looks than nodded in agreement, lust filling each of their eyes. Louis looked at you for approval and you nodded, with that Louis began kissing you hard. You were so into the kiss that you didn’t notice the rest of the boys stripping of their clothes.

When Louis finally ended the kiss you noticed the rest of the boys had Rick hard bonnets and were jerking themselves off. The sight in front of you made your panties dampen. “Here love let me help you out.” Zayn said than began stripping off your clothes. “Someones wet” he said sliding a finger along your clit. Then he went back to giving you a love bite.

All of a sudden you felt 3 of his fingers slid into your dripping hole. You were so caught up in what Zayn was doing that you forgot about the boys until you felt someone sucking on your boobs. When you looked down you noticed Harry was sucking your left one and Liam in the right. Louis came back up to you and started kissing you again. All of a sudden the 4 boys pulled away from you and walked back to the couch to begin jerking off again.

Niall than came up to you “I’ve been waiting so long for this Babe, your going to enjoy this.” and with that Niall placed his length into you and started thrusting in and out at an alarmingly fast pace. “Awe Niall right there! Ya! Ya! Ya!” you kept moaning. To add to your pleasure Harry and Liam went back to work on your boobs while Zayn placed himself at your mouth. “Suck it babe, you know you wanna.” he purred. You kissed the tip before taking him all in your mouth. He was a lot bigger then you thought since he was hitting the back of your throat.

Niall kept pounding into you making you moan onto Zayn’s cock. Liam and Harry were jerking off to the scene in front of them. Louis came over to you and you took his cock in your hand pumping fast while running your thumb over the tip. “awe fuck ______!” the five boys yelled in unison, while Harry and Liam came and shot their cum on your stomach.

Not much later Louis shot his load in your hand. You could feel yourself reaching your high when you felt Zayn twitch in your mouth filling it with his warm, tasty cum. “Fuck Niall I’m gonna cum” you scream. “Same babe now!” Niall demanded as you both climaxed together. Niall pulled out and fell beside you panting. “mmmm babe want some help cleaning that up?” Harry asked with a wink. He slid his tounge up and down your slit just slightly poking it into your hill. “Ugh Harry” you moan grabbing a hand full of his curls. “God Deanne you taste amazing” Harry said licking up your cum as you came on his face.

By now you were super tired so each boy gave you a kiss goodnight before Niall picked you up and carried you to his room where you both fell asleep in his bed. The next morning you woke up with a pounding headache wondering what happened. “Morning babe” Niall said happily walking into the room. “What happened last night?” you asked. “Why don’t we show you?” the rest of the boys said. Let’s just say you had a good breakfast.