Harry Styles (Dirty, Long)

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“Enough Harry, I’m done with your shit.” you shouted, and walked out of his apartment.

“Listen! She’s just a really good friend, ok!” Harry said, holding your shoulder and turning you to face him. His angelic face, now filled with different emotions, mostly, he seemed so confused.

“Good friend? Ha nice one, Harry.” you spat at him, feeling like an idiot.

“It’s not like we’re dating or something? Why do you even care?!” Harry replied, instantly. His facial expression was now, a little soft, and he was regretting what he just said.

“Your right, ha, why do I even care?” you said, a little hurt, and started to walk away. Well, that was kind of rude? But he was right; reminding you why do you have to like a guy who doesn’t like you back? Gosh.

“[Your Name]! Wait!” Harry said, holding you shoulder and pulling it towards him, so now you were facing him.

“What?” you said sternly, you had no right to be pissed off about that, but, oh gosh you don’t know. Harry still hadn’t replied, but he kept on staring, his eyes piercing into you, up to down, down to up. He was making me feel so fucking insecure. “Harry?” you said, trying to get him to stop staring at me.

He didn’t reply, but all he did was lean in a kiss, his slightly rough lips were attached to yours, it was like your lips were made for each other. The kiss started to deepen, and then you realized, Harry. Harry Fucking Styles was kissing you.

Harry’s hands were firmly placed on your hips, and your hands tangled in his hair, the atmosphere between you two had changed within minutes. Now all you could want was Harry, and you were sure he wanted the same thing. You two broke apart gasping for air, Harry’s forehead was resting on yours, and his breathing was landing on your face… {Well this was romantic}

“[Your Name], I’m sorry, she didn’t mean anything to me, I promise! I, I mean, you, you’re the one. You’re the only one, I honestly denied it for so much time, but then I knew, it was you all along.” Harry said, You couldn’t have replied to this, You were almost about to cry, what he just said was the sweetest thing ever!

You simply replied with a kiss, his tongue instantly slipped into your mouth, and he started dragging you inside, the girl was long lost, you couldn’t even care where she was! You were with Harry and that’s all that mattered. Harry’s hands were traveling all over your body, sending shivers.

He gently laid you on the bed, and hovered over you, and lifted up your shirt, doing the same with your pants, and both of my clothing’s were on the floor, You felt so comfortable in front of Harry like this, no odd feelings, nothing but love and lust. Harry’s clothes were soon off as well, and his fingers were playing with the waist band of your knickers. He gently slid them down and left small wet kisses on stomach, leading to the place you needed him most. You were feeling insecure about yourself, this was the first time someone would taste you.

“Harry!” You shouted, “What are you doing?” You slightly shouted again, tangling his hair in your fingers, and his head shot up, in confusion. “What do you mean?” Harry said, his angelic voice lingering into your ears. You just looked down, You were so ashamed. “[Your Name], has anyone ever went down on you?” Harry asked, softly. You gently shook to your head. No.. “So I’m the first one who’s going to taste you?” Harry said, a little smile formed his beautiful face. “Yeah.” you said, more like a whisper.

“[Your Name], hey look, I’m happy I’m the first person to ever taste you, ok. I don’t even care how fucking weird that sounds! Hey, I love you.” Harry said, cupping your face, making your lips into a pout. He laughed a little. “You’re a cutie, now stop being insecure!” Harry winked. As Harry continued what he was doing. He gently pecked your folds, sending waves of pleasure through your whole body, and then he gently licked your clit. Harry held your waist tightly and started to eat you out. Waves of pleasure going through your body, only Harry was the one who could make me feel this way.

“Fuck! Harry, I’m cumming!” You shouted, your hands digging into his curls even more, your body shaking, the pleasure was unbelievable. You cummed in Harry’s mouth. “Oh my god.” you sighed in relief, your body relaxing from your high.

“Babe, you taste amazing.” Harry said winking, a smile spread across your face, and you started to blush. Harry took off his boxers and positioned himself in front of you, teasing you. “Stop the fucking teasing and get in me!” You shouted. Harry laughed at your desperation, and plunged himself into you. A single tear rolled down your cheek, the pain was horrible, but it was soon replaced by pleasure, and Harry started thrusting into you.

“You’re so fucking tight babe!” Harry moaned, and placed both of your legs on his shoulders, so he could go deeper; he kept on hitting your g-spot, making you feel on top of the world. “Harry! Harder!” You moaned, and Harry did as You said, he thrusted harder and you could feel your climax coming.

“Cum in 3!” Harry shouted, his attention fully on what he was doing.

“1!” One hard thrust.

“2!” Another hard thrust, you could feel your body shaking.

“3! Cum for me baby!” Harry shouted, you and Harry climaxed together, your body trembling from all the pleasure.

Harry stopped thrusting, and fell on the bed beside you.