Liam Payne (Clean,Short)

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Send me requests whenever. In a few hundred words I would love to make your One Direction dreams come true. Please request whenever and keep voting if you want more imagines and one shots. xx

Liam’s POV
I loved how excited _____ was when I told her we got into the brand new club that had just opened in London. She took forever to get change but that was one of the little things I adored about her. “Hey babe…” I heard her call from the bathroom. “Yeah.” I was busy making a cup of tea so if it was that important she’d come to me. “We might be a bit late..” She popped her head around the door and gave me an innocent smile. I just laughed in response and drank my tea. “What?” She giggled and sat on my lap. “Nothing, I just knew you’d be late. That’s all.” I shrugged and tried to hide my smirk. “Hey! That’s not fair!” She playfully hit me on the shoulder and made her way back to the bathroom. 20 minutes later and we were out the door. “Excited?” I smiled at her and took her hand, which was freezing. “Yeah just cold..” I took both her hands in mine and tried to get them warm. I brought them up to my mouth breathed on them and kissed them. “Better?” She nodded. “You look lovely.” I looked her up and down. “Thanks babe.” After a few more minutes we got to the club. “Looks nice.” She noted and we went in. Everything in my mind left and I couldn’t hear anything as soon as I stepped into the dimly lit club. The beat was pounding out of the speakers and it was one of _____’s favorite. I could tell by the way her face glowed and a huge smile took over her face. “Liam! Let’s go dance!” She screamed in my ear and we made our way to the crowded dance floor. “Want a drink?” I mouthed and walked to the bar. “2 cokes please.” I smiled as the barman passed them to me. I tried to find ____ but she seemed to have disappeared from the dance floor. Worry began to fill my mind but I shortly found her sitting next to Eleanor and the boys, who also got invited here. “Here you go.” I said into her ear and have her a kiss. “Thanks.” She mouthed back and started sipping on her drink. We started messing around taking loads of pictures throughout the night. Finally I took one of_____falling asleep in my arms and decided to upload it to twitter. I don’t usually do this but she looked so cute, I had too. I uploaded it with the caption “My____has finally fallen asleep after a night of making me dance! Pics up 2moro guys x” I knew she’d kill me in the morning but as of right now, I didn’t care.