Zayn Malik (Dirty,Short) - Back To The Way We Were

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Imagine you and your boyfriend Zayn have been going through a rare rough patch in your relationship.Lately you two have been on each others last nerve. Every conversation seems to end up in an agrument and you miss the way things used to be.

You and Zayn used to find any excuse to touch or kiss each other you miss cuddling up in his arms and just talking about everything until you would fall asleep on his chest.Last night you and Zayn had a huge fight after he became extremely jealous that your ex boyfriend texted you.

You insisted that you would never go back to your ex but he just stormed off in a rage. You want to call him and tell him how much you love him and make things go back to the way they were but you don’t have the words to say. You stare at your phone plotting when to call when suddenly Zayn beats you to it. Your heart is literally pounding as you answer.”Hello you say anxiously trying to keep yourself together. “Babe, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything”. Zayn says as he holds backs his tears. You begin to cry because that is all you needed to hear. “Zayn it’s okay, just promise me that everything will change, I can’t take this fighting anymore”. You say as the tears stream down your face. “Babe please stop crying, look our your window.

Confused, you look out your window to see your gorgeous boy standing in the middle of candles that spell out I’m sorry. You are speechless as you look at that the perfect boy who means the world to you, and suddenly all the good memories of love, passion, and joy flood your mind . You need Zayn now more than ever before. You motion for him to come up to your bedroom and he does just that. As soon as you see his face, you grab him and kiss him tenderly. “I don’t ever want to make you feel bad again babe, tell me what I can do to make this right” He says while rubbing your waist gently. “Just kiss me.” He smiles before placing his perfect lips on yours. He kisses you slowly at first then his kisses become more passionate as his tongue explores your mouth.

His kisses have you begging for and he his ready to give you just what your body has been missing. He lays you down gently on the floor and removes his shirt, revealing his chistled chest and abs. He removes your shirt and bra, as he begins to suck on your neck then your nipples as you run your fingers through his hair. He slides of your shorts and panties and begins to kiss your inner thighs making you squirm. He places his tongue inside causing you to yell out in intense pleasure, with every lick he is putting your body in a paradise that it has needed for so long.

He then removes his shorts and boxers. ” I want you to punish me” he says while wicking at you. So you climb on top of him and begin to ride his length. He feels so good inside you,as you ride up and down screaming more by the minute from the pleasure of being one with the boy you love. His moans are becoming louder making you ride him harder. You share a kiss as you climax together and fall on his chest. He tells you he loves you while you lay in his arms. You tell him you love him too while you lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. You can feel it in your heart that things are finally going back to the way they were and you couldn’t be happier.