Zayn Malik (Clean,Long)

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You have been waiting for hours to get just one glimpse of the boys at their hotel but they don't get out at all. You start to feel sad cause you just wanna see them in real life so bad, one second is all you ask for but nothing. It's so cold outside and you start to realize that they won't get out or look out of a window, so you decide to leave. After saying goodbye to all the fans you have met waiting, you walk back t your hotel. You even booked a hotel and drove some hours to get here, all for nothing. Suddenly you bump into someone.

"I'm sorry!"

You look at some guy wearing a hat and sunglasses, you can see he doesn't want you to see him. He looks at you for some time.

"It's okay!"

You smile at him and then you walk away, putting on your sad face again. Suddenly you start to realize you know the voice, you have heard it somewhere before. Then you remember, it's Zayn, you just bumped into Zayn. Exactly at that moment someone grabs your arm to pull you back, you turn around and you see it's the guy you just bumped into.


He puts a finger on your lips.

"Shh, nobody may know who I am" he whispers.

You don't know what to say anymore and stare to him for a while surprised. Suddenly he grabs your arm and starts walking, you follow him. After some time he stops at some quit park, beside you there's nobody, so it's perfect for you and Zayn to be right now.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do this before but I don't want anyone to see me." he says while taking of his hat and sunglasses.

"It's okay, I understand it." you smile at him.

"So why were you so sad when we bumped into each other?"

"Well, I drove some hours to get here, booked a hotel and waiting in front of your hotel for hours just to see you for some second in real life, but it just didn't seem to happen until…"

"…we bumped into each other. I'm glad I didn't disappoint you and I wouldn't want to miss this either."

"Zayn, why? I'm just another fan who goes crazy and does everything for you guys."

"There's something about you, I saw it when we looked into each others eyes and I just didn't know what to do because I didn't want to be recognized. But I couldn't let you walk away." he says with a twinkle in his eyes.

You can't believe this is really happening.

"But what is that something?"

"I hope I'll find out soon!"

You both smile and look deep into each others eyes, you see his face getting closer to yours, you look at the ground smiling. Then you feel his hand gently grabbing your face and pulls up your face a little bit so that you look into each others eyes again, he leans into you and kisses you. You close your eyes to dream away by enjoying the taste of his soft lips.

Suddenly you hear Zayn's phone.

"Sorry I gotta answer this!"

He picks up the phone.

"This is Zayn. Oh hey Paul! I'm on my way!"

He hangs up again and you look at him wondering.

"What did Paul want? Wait you went out without them or their permission?"

Both of you start to laugh.

"Yeah, actually I did and I've got to go back now! Would you like to come with me?"

You smile and shake your head, Zayn grabs your hand and you walk back to the hotel together. Zayn totally forgot to put on his hat and sunglasses again, so it didn't take long until fans were chasing you.

"What are we gonna do now? Just keep walking like this or are we gonna run?"

You look at Zayn thinking, at the same time you hear girls around you saying "Are you Zayn's girlfriend?" and things like that.

"Let's run! Before we can move any little bit anymore, there are getting more and more."

You look at each other one more time and then you grab each others hands, both of you shake your head and then you start to run. You keep laughing while you run as fast as you can seen the fact the fans are chasing you like crazy, you feel like you're playing real life Temple Run or something. You finally arrive at the hotel and Zayn pulls you with him into the hotel running, you see the fans you met earlier looking very surprise and you just put a big smile on your face. Inside Paul immediately runs your way, he looks at Zayn confused.

"Zayn, who is this?"

"It's okay, Paul! I just met her, she's fine."

"Oh okay I understand." Paul says with a look in his eyes that he means something.

"No, no! Not like that! I really like her."

Now Paul looks even more confused and before he can say something he pulls you with him to their room. You get into the elevator and you just stand there very nervous. Does this mean you're gonna meet all of them now? What's gonna happen now and after today?

You walk out of the elevator and you follow Zayn being followed by Paul to their room. Then he knocks on a door, Harry opens and looks at you confused.

"I didn't know you would bring someone, excuse me as I'm going to put on some clothes!"

You laugh and so is Zayn, then Liam, Niall and Louis walk your way.

"Hello there! Zayn who is this?"

"I accidentally met her on the streets and well you know, I think I like her."

You smile and you see Zayn puts a huge smile on his face. Then Harry opens the door again, this time with some clothes on, Louis immediatetely jumps on him. You and Zayn get into room and sit down on the bed.

"If you would like to you can stay here, not cause I want something to happen but I don't think the fans are going to leave you alone now."

"I would absolutely love to!"

You're going to take a shower and Zayn gives you a shirt to sleep in, there fit 4 people in the room, so it's not really a problem to stay a night. When you get it a little cold you and Zayn decide to get into bed but are not planned to sleep yet. You sit against him and lean into him a little bit until you fall asleep.