Harry Styles- Elevator (Dirty,Long)

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"Hi." I smiled politely, stepping into the elevator.

The stranger grinned at me.

"Hi." he said in a husky voice.

God, this boy was perfect. His curly hair turned me on so bad and it made me want to run my fingers through it.

He was so hot. He was wearing a white tank top on and red chinos with a jean jacket. His dark red lips were so inviting. He brown curls were pushed to the side of his head, revealing his most gorgeous face.

"What floor?" he asked.

"1." I said, leaning against the wall.

He pushed the first floor button.

"Wait, do you live here?" I asked, realizing he looked familiar.

"Yeah. Floor 5." he nodded.

Why haven't I met this perfect creature yet? He was only a floor above me.

"Oh, I didn't know that." I chuckled.

"Now you do." he said.

I looked over at him and he subtly winked.

"How come I've never seen you before?" I said as the elevator jerked down.

"I don't know. But I've seen you...(Y/N)." he smirked.

I laughed. "How'd you know my name?"

"You know."

I rolled my eyes at him as the elevator doors opened.

"My stop. See you around, I guess." I said.

"Yup. Bye, (Y/N)."

I smiled before walking out of the elevator.

I stopped in my tracks about a foot away and ran back. I put my foot in the door.

"I forgot to ask. What's your name?"

"Harry." he smiled.

"Harry." I repeated as I let the doors close in front of us.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I muttered, bumping into someone while coming out of my apartment.

"It's alright."

I shot my head up, recognizing the voice.

"Harry." I smiled.

Since I met Harry in the elevator, we've bumped into each other a few times in the elevator. I found out that he is Harry Styles. 1/5 of the famous band, One Direction. He lives a floor above me with Louis Tomlinson, with Zayn, Niall, and Liam on the same floor.

I'm not sure how I didn't know that.

"(Y/N)." he grinned.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"...I live here?"

I chuckled. "I mean on my floor."

"Oh...I don't know." he said, swaying on his heels.

"Okay. You going in the elevator?" I asked, pointing to it.

"The lift, you mean?"

"That's an elevator!" I giggled.

He rolled his eyes. "Americans." he joked.

"Brits." I mimicked.

I pressed the button of the elevator and it opened.

We stepped in.

"Floor?" I asked.


I pressed that button.