Louis Tomlinson (Clean, Short)

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”Really louis? you think i’m immature?” you asks angry. You and louis had one of the biggest fights you ever had. ”Yes, that’s what i said. You.Are.Immature!” You rolled your eyes ”If you think i’m immature why don’t you leave me then?” with more anger in your voice, and you faced him.

”Well that’s a good idea!” ”I’m immature, sure ever looked at yourself louis?” you said and you walked to your bedroom, you picked a suitcase an started to pack your stuff. ”You really going to leave me?” you hear a voice behind you, you turn around to see louis standing in the room ”Looks like i’m leaving? Yes i’m leaving Louis!” ”That’s really immature of you [Y/N]! We can talk about it!” Louis grabs your arm. ”God, please don’t touch me. You think i’m immature then why do i always cook, clean up the fucking mess, YOU always make?!” you said angry and you throw some clothes in your suitcase.

”I have a bloody job [Y/N]” Louis yells ”Wait, are you telling me that i do nothing? I go to school 5 days in a week i work 3 days in a week after school and then i clean the whole mess here! Don’t tell me that i do nothing Tomlinson!” you said and you pick a picture frame, there was a photo of you and Louis hand in hand walking down the beach.

”What are you gonna do with that?” Louis asks worried, you look at him. You’re still angry ”Well because i’m immature, i’m gonna rip it in pieces.” and you pick the photo out of the picture frame. Louis runs to you ”No! don’t do that!” louis yelled as he grabs the photo out of your hands ”Why not? it’s a picture of a immature girl and her mature boyfriend right? it’s not nice!” you raise your eyebrow, ”You have every right to be mad at me, you’re everything except immature! you’re right, i never clean up my mess and you work and go to school. you’re too mature for me! look all i want to do with you is making fun of the boys, acting like complete idiots.

Just you and me, making pranks for the boys. But please don’t leave me!” Louis begged. You looked at louis and you smiled ”I will always be a idiot, nobody’s changing that! and i won’t leave you, you idiot. i think i love you to much for that!” ” I know you wouldn’t leave me!” louis said and grabs your hand ”promise me you clean up your own mess next time!” ”Babe i’ll promise!” and he gives you a kiss.