Liam Payne (Dirty, Short) -Bathroom Sex

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You were being shuffled towards your seat during the awards. You had to sit a few seats away from your beautiful boyfriend, Liam. The awards seem to drag on for what seemed like forever. Half way through you got the feeling that you wanted Liam, bad. ‘Oh god, really here!’ you thought. You really needed to relieve this “problem” but how could that work without your man near you. After they had won every award they were nominated for, of course, they were allowed to sit next to you. ‘YES!’ you thought.

“Hey babe” Liamm whispered sitting next to you, he rested a hand on your thigh and all you wanted was his fingers curling against your g-spot. ‘Ugh! Stop’ you ordered yourself.

“Babe, could we go to the bathroom?” you asked sweetly, batting your eyes at him flirtatiously.

“Erm…?” he pondered. “Uuh… sure.” he finally agreed standing up. You jumped up and ran to the bathroom eagerly. You ran to the bathroom and Liam followed.

“Wh-” before he could finish you pushed him into the door and kissed him hard. He didn’t react at first but then reacted kissing you back passionately.

You lips traced down his neck, exploring the his skin.

“Babe…” he moaned quietly. You continued sucking, and biting his sweetest of spots. You started unbuttoning his shirt to show off his perfectly chiseled chest. Your lips kept going south down his torso to the hem of his pants, feeling his abs along the way.

“Babe… Are you sure… I mean here?” asked, stopping you from doing what of course ever man wanted.

“Yes.” you said before continuing to slip of his pants until he stood almost completely naked. Your finger tips ran up and down his shaft, while quietly moans escaped his lips, almost not there. This sound gave you a rush of energy. You stuck his 10 inches (hehe) inside you mouth and sucked and licked up and down him. He moaned loudly, running his fingers through you hair.

“y/n…” he moaned. You felt him getting closer to his climax. You stopped and came but up to his mouth.

“Ugh!” he groaned. You smirked on his lips.

Lets leave it at,