Liam Payne (Dirty, Long)

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Liam: are you sure you want to do this love?

Y: Yes Liam of course.

Liam: Okay okay but I want it to be special, you know?

Y: Li, as long as Im with you it will be. I have to go to my lecture or I’ll miss it. See you when I get back. Bye

He kisses you on the cheek and opens the door for you as you walk to your car.

Liam: Bye Babe!

Y: Bye Li!

You have a long day at university but cant wait to get home to Liam.

You walk through the front door and take off your shoes and jacket.

Y: Li? Im home!

Liam: Come upstairs love.

You walk into your bedroom to see it covered with rose petals, sparkling lights, scented candles and slow music. Two strong arms wrap around your waist.

Li: Like I said, I wanted it to be special.

Y: Its beautiful

Liam: Just like you.

He spins you around and kisses you passionately. Things soon get very heated and he places you on your bed and begins to strip you both. You release the kiss as liam takes off his top, leaving him in his boxers and taking off yours leaving you in your bra and panties.

Liam: your so beautiful.

He starts to leave kisses down your neck and collar bone and geta down to your chest. Liam unclasps your bra with one simple movement. With one hand he massages one of your boobs while kissing the other. He rubbed you nipple while playing with it with his thumb and forefinger.

Y: Oh Liiii… Mmmmhmmmm

Liam: Is that okay?

Y: Just fine babe.

After doing that a few more times he starts to move closer to your core. He takes off his calvins and his hard cock hits his abs. This being your first time you werent quite sure what to do. Liam took control. He made him harder than you thought was ever possible. Fuck he was huge. Liam wanted to keep it simple for your first time. Liam places himself at your dripping wet entrance.

Liam: Are you sure? I I dont want to hurt you love.

Y: Yes I am. Ill be fine.

Liam: It will hurt slightly at the beginning but it will stop. I promise. Y: Okay. I believe you.

He thrusts into you breaking all barriers. Fuck that hurt. You cried out in pain, tears sliped down your face.

Liam: Im so sorry. Shall I stop babe?

Y: No, no it will be over soon.

Liam:here take my hand.

Liam starts to thrust again but faster. The pain was unbearable. You could see the guilt in Liams eyes. He hate to make you cry. Soon the pain went, replaced by absolute pleasure. It was amazing.

Y: Fuck Li, thats amazing.

Li: Your so tight babe.

Y: Oh shit dont stop Li.

He thrusted hard and quicker. You were over come by this short lasting pleasure. Your vision got cloudy and your walls clenched around him.

Y: Liam, I think I

Liam: Cum over me baby.

You neednt be told again. You did exactly that. And after a few more thrust, so did Liam. Liam lay down next to you.

Liam: how was that?

Y: hurt at the beginning but was amazing after.

Liam: I did promise you.

Y: Thank You Liam.

Liam: I love you.

Y: I love you too.