Niall Horan (Clean, Long)

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I looooove one direction's new song it's so romantic <3 (LITTLE THINGS)

“Holy crap, it’s One Direction!” Your best friend, Amanda squealed in delieght. She absoluetly loved them.

You on the other hand, did not.

You hated One Direction, hated their fans and hated their music. To you, One Direction was nothing more than a put together boyband and was only famous because of X Factor and because of a bunch of hormonal twelve year old girls.

Amanda sighed. “Seriously?” She asked you.

“What?” You asked.

“Look at what you’re wearing! You can’t meet One Direction dressed like that!”

You looked down and saw that you were wearing a Suicide Silence shirt, blue skinny jeans and Kurt Cobain All-Star Converse.

“Here they come!”

You rolled your eyes and look at Amanda. “You can meet them alone.” You told her.

“Going somewhere?”

You look at the boy who spoke. He had black and blonde hair and his hair was styled in a quiff. How origional.

“Actually, yes, I am.” You said.

“Suicide Silence?” A boy with curly hair asked. He read your shirt and looked at you.


“Any good?”

“They were. Not that you’d care.” You said. You turned on your heel and walked off.


You continued walking. You had been expecting Amanda to follow you. Not the Irish one.

“Hey, _____!” The Irish one caught up to you and stood in your way.

“Move.” You said. You narrowed your eyes at him.

“Tell me my name and I will.”

“Annoying blonde one.” You said.

“My natural hair color is blonde, actually.”

“Good for you.” You said with an eye roll. “Now move.”

“Why don’t you like One Direction?”

“Because I don’t. Chrirst, calm down.” You said. “You got enough money, you don’t need mine, either.”

He blinked.

You were quiet.

“You really think it’s about money?”

“I don’t think, I know.” You said.

“You don’t even know my name! How can you not like something if you don’t know my name?”

“Your fanbase kinda gives everything about you guys and what you stand for away.”

He blinked.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”


“You seriously don’t know?”

“No! Know what?”

You huff. “Some, I know it’s not all because even Amanda was pissed off by this, but some of your fans are rude as fuck.” You said. “First they tell Alex from All Time Low to kill himself because he didn’t like a song of yours. Not only did they do that, but they brought Tom into the situation, who, by the way, killed himself. They were being rude little fucks about it.” You explain. “Secondly, Mitch Lucker, from Suicide Silence passed a while ago and some, again not all, but some of your fans were saying that he desevred to die. Oh yeah, they also told Kenadee to kill herself if she missed her dad so much. She’s five. What kind of sick freaks do that?”

The boy was quiet.

“Last but not least, those few fans that were being ass holes, got pissed because your songs got leaked.”



“I’ll talk to them.”

You were quiet.

“You said it wasn’t the whole fanbase right?”

You nod.

“So, how come you’re letting those rude fans turn you away?”

You look down.

“I promise, _____, I promise that not everyone in our fanbase is like that. You even said it yourself that it wasn’t everyone.”

You look up at the boy and bite your bottom lip. His beautiful blue eyes were locked with yours.

“I’m Niall.” He extended a hand.

You took Niall’s hand and shook it.

“So, if it’s not all of the fans, why won’t you listen to us?”

You shrug.

Niall sighed. “Give us one listen? Just one, that’s all I’m asking.” He said.

“O….okay.” You caved.

Later that day, you and Amanda were sitting on stage and listening to the boys practice, ‘Little Things’

Niall looked at you during his solo and your heart skipped a beat.

Your face went red and you looked away.

“Someone’s a Niall girl.”

You rolled your eyes at Amanda, but didn’t say anything.

After the song, Niall got up and walked over to you, while Amanda went over to the other boys.

“So?” Niall asked.

“I like your sound.” You said.

Niall smiled. He sat down next to you.

“How come you really went up and talked to me earlier today?” You asked.

“Because I could tell something was bothering you and, I dunno, I…I wanted to see if you were okay.” Niall said with a shrug.

Your face went red and you looked away again.

“Plus, I thought you were cute.”

You look at Nial like he had three heads.

“Don’t be shocked.” Niall chuckled.

“But….there was like….”

“I know how many girls there were earlier today. But I saw you, not them.”

You smile.

Niall smiled back.

“So, uh….” You began.

“Do you wanna give us a try?”

You look at Niall.

“Like, go on a date and see if it’ll work?”

“Sure.” You smiled.

Niall smiled and kissed your cheek.

You smiled back.

You knew you’d probably get hate from those fans who had been buttheads recently, but you didn’t care. You were gonna prove to those girls that you could listen to Suicide Silence and One Diection and All Time Low and pretty much every other genre and still be noticed by a member of One Direction.

A/N: Before I get any hate, I already know that it wasn’t all of One Direction’s fanbase being buttheads. Just a few. Ha ha. I’ve talked to a lot of One Direction fans who listen to more than just 1D and they’re the greatest people I’ve ever talked to. Ha ha. Anyways, this was also kind of a rant for how I was feeling and I’m sorry if I offended anyone. I didn’t mean to. It’s gonna take me a while to get over everything that’s happened in the past few days, but I’m slowly getting better.