Louis Tomlinson- Spend a day with One Direction (Clean,Short)

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You've won a competion and now you will spend a day with One Direction. You kinda freak out on the inside when you see them for the first time. Each of them give you a hug and you walk around with a big smile on your face, for like the whole day. 

At first your going karting. You're really excited cause it's the first time you do this and you have seen some videos of them before, when and after karting. It's like what you have been dreaming off all this time and more. 

You and the lads are a little bit fooling around when karting. You're really having the time of your life and they seem to have fun too. 

After you're going to eat something. You all ordered something and when waiting you talk a lot with the lads. 

They ask a lot about you, where you come from, your interests, what you're doing and more. You're just having a nice conversation. Louis is a little bit fooling around as you know him, Niall is laughing about all the time about everything and nothing. 

Then the food you ordered is being served, you see Niall ordered a lot of food seen the fact there's barely enough room to put all the food on the table. You laugh and the boys start to laugh too. 

After you have been eating something it's time for the big surprise of the day. 

You get into a car and drive somewhere, you have absolutely no idea what this could be. 

Suddenly you stop at some place, you get out of the car and look around. You see the sea and some boats, you realize you're at the harbor. 

You follow the lads and the security to a boat. You get on it and the boat gets to some place where you can swim. They brought a bikini for you, so you put it on inside and then you get outside to enjoy the sun and the water. Louis immediately gets in your way and grabs you, he lifts you up and walks to the back of the boat. 

"Louis, what are you doing?" 

Louis laughs. 

"Don't worry! I'm just jumping into the water with you!" 

And he jumps in, you scream out loud. 


But you're already too late, you feel yourself fall into the water with Louis. You're a little bit fooling around together in the water and after some time you decide to get Harry into the water too. You're having fun for the rest of the day but then it's time to go, you get back to the harbor and then the car brings you to your hotel. You sadly say goodbye to the, hoping to see them again. Then you walk into the hotel but before you can open the hotel door someone suddenly grabs your arm and pulls you back, you turn around and look straight into Louis' eyes. 

"[yn], I want you! I want you bad. I can't lie about this, this day has been the best day of my life! I just don't want it to end here, no matter how hard, how difficult it's gonna get. Having you as my girl is all I need." 

You just don't know what to say and stare into his eyes, then you give him a hug and a kiss on his cheek. 

"Babe, I really have to go now! But I promise you that I'll come back, tonight!" 

He kisses you and then walks back to the car.