Zayn Malik- Beach (Dirty,Short)

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Imagine Zayn texts you for a date earlier in the day, and you accept. He ties a bandana over your eyes while his driver drives. When you arrive to the place, he leads you some where where the ground is soft. “Zayn, are we at the beach?”You ask him. “Maybe”You could hear the smile in his voice. You take off the wedges you are wearing, and continue to walk. He removes the bandana covering your eyes, and reveals a secluded area surrounded by rocks except for a small opening.

The sun was just on the horizon, with pink and blue cotton candy clouds swirled around it. “Zayn, this is gorgeous” you say, in complete awe. “Glad, you think so”He says, and gently grabs your waist pushing you against a tall rock, kissing your lips. You smile mid-kiss and realize why he brought you here. “Zayn, did you bring me here for sex?”You ask him. He smiles and looks down sheepishly and says,”Maybe” You smile at his cheekiness and continue to kiss him, both of you fighting for dominance.

He begins to unbutton the top you are wearing and kiss your neck moving down, leaving love bites. You moan a mixture of his name and oh my gosh. He gets it unbuttoned and reveals your black lace bra. You switch positions and he is pushed against the rock. You take off the T-shirt he is wearing and kiss him down to his belly button while sliding his jeans off. You stroke his bulge through his tight boxers and he says,”Such a tease Chloe”.

You smile and slide his boxers and begin to slowly rub you hand down the shaft and he grunts for more. You take the tip in your mouth and pay special attention to the part where the shaft and tip meet. He tilted his head in pleasure and moans. You smile and go further back almost taking the whole thing. You gently bite it as you take it out. “Chloe being such a tease” he says and passionately kisses you while taking your bra off. You lose the battle of tongue dominance, when he starts to rub your breast. He moves down to the other one sucking and licking it around the nipple.

“Zayn, don’t stop. Mhmm”You moan. He kisses his way down to your shorts, leaving love bites, and takes them off and throws them somewhere. He slides your panties off and inserts one finger in and another then another. You can barely contain the pleasure when he starts to lick your clit which makes you close but he stops out of nowhere. You whimper slightly and he chuckles. “I need you now”You say to him. He starts to trace the outside your opening. “Stop teasing” You beg him. He smiles cheeky and thrusts him inside you making your hips buckle. He holds you up, balances himself against the wall and continues thrusting faster and harder hitting you G-spot with every thrust. You close your eyes as pleasure engulfs your body, moaning,”Zayn I’m cl-cl-close” “Yeah me too babe” He said. You feel your walls tighten around him and you ride you orgasm out yelling his name”ZAYN!” Shortly he too cums and fills you up with his warm fluid.

You both get dressed and walk on the beach hand in hand. Later that night you relive that moment 2 more times.