Zayn (Dirty, Short) Caught In The Act

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Imagine you and your boyfriend Zayn have been together for eight months now. The last eight months have been filled with more love and happiness than most people experience in a lifetime. Zayn is all you have ever wanted in a boy, he is sweet, caring, and a bit of a bad boy which turns you on beyond belief.

Tonight you and Zayn threw a dinner party for your close friends to celebrate you and Zayn moving in together. The party has been over for quite some time now and all you want to do is be alone with your man. “Babe how about we go for a swim in our new pool and you can wear that white bikini that I like” Zayn says while giving you gentle kisses along your neck as his hands rub your waist. After eight months of dating just one touch from his beautiful hands is enough to send chills down your spine. “Okay babe, just give me a minute to change” you reply before giving him a gentle peck on the lips.

You go upstairs and change into your white strapless bikini that makes your body look absolutely flawless. You can’t wait for Zayn to set his gorgeous eyes and hands on your body. You haven;t even unpacked everything yet, but you don’t care, all you care about is being alone with the boy you love. You make your way to the pool where you meet your gorgeous boy. “Babe you look beautiful.” He says as he grabs your hand and leads you to the shallow end of the water.

He begins to kiss your lips gently before you let his tongue explore your mouth. His kisses are so intense and passionate, making you want him more and more. “Annette, do you know how much I love you?” He asks while running his fingers through your hair. “No, I don’t, why don’t you show me”. You tease, as you place your arms on his board shoulders and kiss him once more.” He smirks and then unties your bikini bottoms, you can feel his hands in between your thighs begging for entrance and you let him slide one finger inside of you. As he moves his finger in and out of you, causing the once cool water to become hotter you remove your top,and allow his mouth to suck your breasts.

You remove his swimsuit and place his hard length inside you. He wraps your legs around his waists and begins to thrust his hardness,inside of placing your body in heaven. His thrusts are so powerful and deep that you can’t even speak. While in the middle of your heated sex session, you can see Niall looking out kitchen window. You immediately tell Zayn to put you down. “Zayn Niall saw us through the window”. You say while pointing at the window. “babe I thought he was passed out drunk on the couch.” He replies in complete embarrassment. “I think we should finish this in the bedroom.” You add while wicking and putting your swimsuit back on.

As you go back inside you ask Niall if he saw anything and he says all “I saw was,you two making use of your new pool.” “Well we are doing to bed have now, goodnight” You and Zayn give Niall a hug and head upstairs to your new empty bedroom for round two of passionate love making on the floor until dawn.