Threesome- Larry (Dirty)

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The One Direction concert that you had gone to had just ended. It was a total zoo with people trying to leave. You were trying to push your way through the mass of bodies when you felt some one grab your shoulder.

“Hey watch youself,” you snap at them. Then you see them, they aren’t some scrawny ten year old though, it is a huge man.

“I’m going to need you to come with me,” the man says with a stirn voice.

A million thoughts shoot through your head. You wonder if you are in trouble. You hadn’t done anything wrong!

The man takes you by your arm and leads you back stage into Harry Styles’ dressing room.

“Hey there beautiful,” Harry says giving you a wink, “Louis! They found her,” he shouted loudly making you flinch.

“Hey, it’s alright, I’m not going to hurt you,” Harry said taking your hand in his. You were to shocked to comprehend what was going on. This didn’t happen to every day, and it certainly didn’t happen to girls like you.

“Wow, she looks even better up close,” you hear a voice say behind you. You turn your head and see Louis standing in the doorway, looking you up and down. You blush a little.

“Louis, close the door and we can start,” Harry says, his voice was filled with excitement. Louis’ eyes lit up at Harry’s words and he quickly shut the door.

“Start what?” you asked, and then realized that this was the first time they had heard you speak. you felt like an idiot for not introducing youself earlier.

“Start this,” Louis said walking up to you and crashing his lips against yours. His tongue made it’s way into your mouth (not that you tried very hard to resiste.)

Then Harry came up behind you and started grinding against your behind. You could feel his erection through his jeans and you moan into Louis’ mouth. Next thing you knew Louis had picked you up, his biceps flexing, and carried you over to the couch.

There was a knock on the door.

“Are you guys ready to go?” you heard Liam’s voice say. You froze instantly not knowing what to do.

“Give us like twenty minutes,” Harry shouted back at Liam, “now where were we?” he asked turning his gaze back to you.

Then he ripped of your skirt and panties in one motion.

“Spread your legs for him,” Louis commanded. His athoraty made you want them more, and you felt yourself become even more wet. You did as he said and were rewarded with Harry’s warm, wet tongue lapping at your wet pussy. You let out a moan.

“Good girl,” Louis cooed to you, lifting up your shirt and unhooking your bra, “how does she taste Haz?” he asked.

“Delicious,” Harry said sending more sensations through your body. Your hips were bucking up to greet Harry’s talented mouth. He used his tongue to gently circle your clit. You let out a gasp as Louis starts to play with your breasts, rubbing them and sliding his thumb over each nipple sending electric waves down your body.

Harry then stops and positions himself, his hard member rubbing teasingly along the outside of your wet entrence.

“Please,” you beg looking up at him with antisipation.

“The girl wants your cock Harry, are you going to give it to her?” Lou asks looking down at you watching your writing body. Little wimpers escaping you mouth as your tried to squirm to get Harry inside of you.

“Tell me how bad you want me in you?” Harry says, his deep voice was gentle yet firm.

“Please Harry, I need you right now, I need you inside me, I just want to please you, please,” you beg desprate for anything. A smile crosses his face, and he eases into you at a torturously slow pace. You let out an animalistic moan.

“Open your eyes,” Louis demands, “I want to see your face while he pleasures you.”

You slowly open your eyes and look deep into Louis dark blue ones.

Harry pulls out just long enough for Louis to dip two of his fingers into you, then he removes them and Harry resumes thrusting into you. Louis licks his middle finger, “you’re right Haz, she does taste good,” then he sticks his index finger into your mouth making you suck off all of your own juices. Then you feel Harry cum inside of you, he lets out a loud grunt as he releases. He and Louis switch places, and now Louis’s thursting into you. He isn’t as big as Harry was, but he goes faster. You feel yourself nearing the edge.

“I’m going to cum,” you gasp.

“Look into my eyes, I want to see your face as you cum all over me,” Louis orders. Then Harry starts licking your breasts, his tongue playing with your nipples. This pushes you over the edge and you cum all over Louis dick. Louis does a few final thrusts before he too loses control. You feel his fluids coat your inside. They hand you your clothes and you all get dressed.

“Well that was fun,” Harry said smiling at you.

“Yeah, call us sometime?” Louis says handing you a piece of paper with both their numbers on it.

You nod and then walk out the door completely saticfied, and already excited for next time.