Triple ask/dare

944 1 8

Kirby: Yesss!! New asks!

Jigglypuff: We haven't gotten anything new in foreverrrrrr

Wii Fit: Quiet, you two. *bonks the two of them on the head* It's only been 2 weeks.

Jigglypuff: Still too long in my opinion...

Kirby: Anyways, let's get this show on the road! @k_hix24 asked if anyone has ever tried to see Meta Knight's true face. If so, how did they react?

Jigglypuff: Well, people have certainly tried to see his face, but....
*cut to Dark Pit chasing Meta Knight screaming "YOU SHALL NOT ESCAPE ME!" and Meta Knight responding with "JUST GIVE UP YOU FOOL!!"*

Kirby: Puffy, what number does this put us at?

Jigglypuff: We are at Meta Knight Reveal Attempt #64.

Kirby: Thanks Puffy.

Jigglypuff: No problem. Second ask, *looks at it, and then sighs* It's about your enemy..

Kirby: Oh, Dee got an ask?

Jigglypuff: No, Galeem and Dharkon.

Kirby: *agressively breathes and walks away. Then comes back with what looks like a muticolored pile of worms. He throws it on the ground and it's Galeem and Dharkon.*

Galeem: Oww...what do you want?..

Jigglypuff: You got an ask. K_hix24 wants to know how you two are doing.

Galeem: Oh, that interview thing Miss Zelda told me about? Ok. Well mortal, I myself am doing fine. Despite being tied together with literal evil incarnate.

Jigglypuff: Little explanation. After playing Adventure Mode for the first time, Kirby, out of pure rage, tied these two. No one's tried to untie them, since they kind of neutralize each other, so now they're harmless.

Galeem: Yes, I only hold a fraction of the power I once had. I have also become, self aware, as it's called, and I like to think I'm handling it quite well! Dharken, however....

Dharken: *has his head in hands while sitting down* I am entirely fictional? Just a character in a game? MY LIFE IS A LIE?

Galeem:....he's not handling it well...

Jigglypuff: Also, you have to say something nice to every Smasher.

Galeem: Fine...I shall do it for the both of us. KIRBY!!

Kirby: y-yeah?




Jigglypuff: Thanks, I guess?

*Galeem then runs off to compliment him, dragging Dharkon behind him.*

Kirby: Ok, so what's left?

Jigglypuff: They have to hug Master and Crazy Hand

Kirby: Whelp, time to summon the demons. DP, GET OVER HERE!

Dark Pit: What?


Dark Pit: Why am I here?

Kirby: We need your help to summon hand demons.

Dark Pit: Ok.

*He then proceeded to draw 2 magic circles on the ground and started chanting and floating*

Jigglypuff: Kirby?

Kirby: Yeah Puffy?

Jigglypuff: You know that feeling you get when you're about to make a mistake?

Kirby: Yeah?

Jigglypuff: I'm getting the feeling.

Kirby: Whelp!

*Master and Crazy Hand pop of the portals and grab them*

Kirby & Jigglypuff: Oh Sugar Honey Iced Tea..

*The hands proceed to lift them up and repeatedly smash them on the ground. Meanwhile, Galeem finally comes back.*

Galeem: Okay! I've complimented everyone! *looks at the chaos* What's happening?

Kirby: *in between getting smashed* GALEEM...HUG...THE...HANDS...THEN...GET...HELP!

Jigglypuff: NO! GET....HELP FIRST! THEN HUG....THEM!!

Galeem: *runs off and comes back with Meta Knight and Samus*

Samus: What's happening?

Dark Pit: Hand demons.

*Galeem runs, hugs the hands, and runs away before he gets smashed*

Wii Fit: I think that's all of them.

Galeem: So what now?

Wii Fit: We wait for a new one.

Galeem: How long does that take?

Wii Fit: *shrugs* Now help me do the outro.

Galeem: Ok. So, that's all folks!

Wii Fit: As you can see, you can also send dares along with asks. Hopefully, by the time a new ask comes in, we'll have liberated Kirby and Jigglypuff.

Dharken: WHAT IS MY LIFE?!

Galeem: And hopefully we'll have dealt with Dharken's existential crisis...

Wii Fit: Send more asks and dares in the comments below! Bye!

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