Vague death threat! Yay!

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Chikara: You know, now I kinda wanna replace Roman even more, just to see what that feels like.

Yugana: I know what that feels like...

Chikara: Oh really? *bends over her because she's 6 feet tall and Yuga's a short stack of pancakes* Then please tell me, what's it like?

Yugana: It's not nice...

Chikara: Very well then. I won't replace Roman, because Yuga says it's not nice.

Yugana: Speaking of Roman, where is he?

Chikara: Oh. Regina found out real world physics don't apply since we're in a book, so she dragged Roman off to go rob the nearest store of all their peanut butter cups and Diet Dr. Peppers.

Yugana: Oh, ok.

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Bye!

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